Page 30 of Ryder
Ryder continues to lead me past the couches and towards some snooker tables. There are two more bikers there, one I recognise as Knox from one of Griff’s parties and Ryder introduces the other as Smokey. So far, everyone seems nice and friendly and I begin to relax.
There are three doors at the back of the room. One is Ryders office. Next to that is something Griff refers to as their ‘church’ which Ryder then explains is what they call their meetings in the biker world. The final door leads to the stairs. The clubhouse has three stories, but Ryder takes me straight to the first floor. The passageway has six doors and Ryder opens the second to last one.
“We’ll get some things tomorrow to make it more like home for Harlee, this room’s right next to ours and has a connecting door, see…” he demonstrates the door which leads between the two rooms. “We can leave the door open tonight in case she wakes and wonders where the hell she is,” he adds with a laugh, laying Harlee on the white cotton sheets and pulling the blanket over her sleeping form.
He then props the door open and we go into his bedroom. I take in the dark woods and black sheets, frowning. “I know it’s not great, I haven’t had a chance to decorate since I came home,” he says, shifting from one foot to the other like a nervous teenager.
I reach up and kiss him on the cheek. “It’s perfect,” I tell him. “We can work on the décor,” I add, winking.
Chapter Thirteen
I wake suddenly, sitting up and looking around. Neve is curled up beside me, still sleeping despite the wild storm outside. Lighting illuminates the room and the rumble of thunder tells me I won’t get back to sleep any time soon. Neve’s kicked the blankets off so I reach over her and pull them back into place, placing a gentle kiss on her head before getting out of bed. I grab my jeans and pull them on, then head down to my office. It’s three in the morning, so I’ve slept for longer than I usually would. I need to work out my next move with Finn, there’s no way I can let him keep his hold over her.
“The storm wake you up too?” I look up and find Griff standing in the doorway.
“Yeah, thought I’d go over the paperwork for the gym while it’s quiet. You okay?” It seems like we’ve been avoiding each other since I saw him, we’ve just kind of slotted back into club life like it never happened.
He comes into the office and takes a seat opposite my desk. “You must have questions.”
I place my pen on the desk and lean back in my chair. “I guess.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I didn’t want to add to your stress.”
“Or you were scared of my reaction?”
He laughs giving a nod. “That too. You’re my big brother, what you think matters and I couldn’t stand the thought of you being disappointed in me like Dad always seemed to be.”
“That bastard was disappointed in the whole damn world.” I take two glasses from his desk drawer followed by a bottle of whiskey. “When did you know?”
“I’ve always known Ryder, right from being a kid and not understanding your fascination with girls. But I knew for sure around eleven when I fancied the gym teacher, Mr Hale.” I screw up my face in disgust, thinking back to that teacher. Griff laughs, “I never said I had good taste.”
“And it’s always been men?”
“Not always. I’ve fancied women and slept with a few. But now I’m older and wiser,” he gives a laugh, “I realise I’m into men.”
“You just don’t seem…” I trail off unable to find the right words. The last thing I want to do is upset him but I wasn’t prepared for this conversation.
“Gay?” Griff asks, laughing again, “Not all Gay men walk around swaying their hips and talking in a high-pitched voice. I’m the same as I’ve always been Ethan, I’m still Eric and I always will be.”
I nod. He’s right, this hasn’t changed him or how I feel about him. “And you have a boyfriend?” I ask, wincing because the words feel so foreign in my mouth.
“No, I have hook ups but nothing serious and no one permanent, although Corey hangs around a lot. Speaking of permanent, You and Neve?”
I allow him to change the subject, I’ll only ask for what he’s willing to tell me. “She’s it man, it’s happened fast but I can’t not be around her. Besides, Finn knows now which means she’s a target, so I had to move faster than planned. We need to come up with a way to get rid of that bastard and keep Neve and Harlee safe.”
“It’s done brother, we’ll protect them both. Announce it to the club tomorrow, they need to know you’ve taken an old lady officially.”
I like the sound of that and I smile wide. “Sounds like a plan.”
I wake and stretch out, smiling as I realise I’m in Ryder’s bed. I glance to the side and see the empty space. I sit up and pull the sheets around my naked body just as the conjoining door opens and Harlee sticks her head in. “Good morning Popple. Did you sleep well?” I ask, patting the empty space next to me. She rushes over and climbs in.
“Yes. Why are we here? Can I still go to school?”
I hadn’t thought much past staying here, it was all so rushed. Ryder had already mentioned me not going into work today but I hadn’t thought of school. I give a nod, deciding I should keep her routine as normal as possible. “Yes, baby girl, you’re going to school after breakfast. We’re staying with Ryder for a while if that’s okay?”