Page 47 of Ryder
Chapter Eighteen
It was early, or late, depending on how you wanted to look at it. I groan, rolling onto my side and opening my eyes. I frown in confusion, and as I push to sit up, I fall from the bed, landing with an humph. Sassy peers over the edge, smirking, “Morning.”
“What are you doing here?” I ask, pushing to my knees, relieved when I see she’s fully clothed.
“You asked me to stay with you, can’t you remember?” she asks.
I shake my head trying to search my memories from last night. The only clear one was the empty bottle of whiskey I’d consumed alone. “I dropped by last night to check on you, I’ve been worried.”
“Why were you worried?” I ask, standing. I haven’t told her anything about Neve or Harlee.
“I saw Bear’s old lady in town, she mentioned you’ve been having a rough time. Plus you haven’t been to see Alfie and you’ve dodged my calls.”
“I told you I’ve been busy.”
“You texted me one time,” she says, “So I was worried. And it looks like I was right to be, you were in such a state when I got here.”
“Did I ask you to stay in my bed?” I query, because my mind is so full of Neve, I find it impossible to believe.
“You got a little upset when I put you to bed.”
“I got upset?” I repeat, confused. “That doesn’t sound like me.”
“Don’t be embarrassed, we all crack at some time or another. Besides, it’s just me, we don’t have to hide stuff from each other.”
I grunt and head off for a shower, hoping she takes the hint and leaves. But when I return she’s still sprawled out on the bed looking through her mobile. “You’re still here?”
“I was thinking that we could go and collect Alfie, and then spend the day together?”
“I have shit to do Sass, maybe another time. I’d love to see Alfie though, how would you feel about me collecting him at a set time each weekend and having him for a couple of hours?” It was an idea I was going to put to her before everything went south with Neve. But now seems like as good a time as any.
She narrows her eyes. “He doesn’t know you, Ryder. We should take it slow and visit together as a family unit. He needs to trust you and so do I.”
“But we aren’t a family unit, Sass. He needs to see us getting along, I agree, but not together or he’ll get confused.”
“I’ve got a better idea. Why don’t I collect him and bring him back here later this afternoon? You can spend some time with him, and I’ll just be around?”
I think over her offer, it’s the best I’m likely to get so I reluctantly nod and she grins, throwing the sheets back and standing. “Great, I’ll just grab a shower and then I’ll be on my way.”
When she returns a few minutes later wrapped in a towel, I stand. I feel uncomfortable and I know how bad this would look should anyone come barging in. The last thing I need is the gossip wheels turning. Neve would never understand.
I take my keys and phone from the side. “I’ll leave you to it,” I say.
She laughs, unwrapping her towel from her naked body and using it to rub her hair. “Don’t tell me you’re shy, Ryder. God, you used to order me to walk around you naked, and now you can’t even look at me. I’m the mother of your child for goodness sake.”
I glue my eyes to the floor. She’s right, there was a time when I would make her walk around the room naked just so I could have access to her any time I wanted. I risk a quick glance up, taking in her new body. It had changed over the years, her breasts were fuller and her thighs thicker, it gave her a sexy edge. Squeezing my keys hard in my palm I race for the door. The sound of Sassy giggling as I leave rings out. It would be easier to go back there, secure my place in Alfie’s life and live like a family, but I love Neve too much to fuck it all up. She’s my future. Her, Harlee and Alfie.
“Pres, where the hell have you been. I’ve been calling you.” Griff looks pissed as he marches towards me.
“Sorry, slept in, bad hangover.”
“Tell me about it. You were wasted last night.”
“Am I not allowed to drink in my own damn club?” I growl and Griff holds his hands up in surrender.
“Sorry. Benedetto’s been in touch. He couldn’t get hold of Finn last night and then he saw some photo’s on the Chief of Police’s social media account, he sent them to me,” says Griff pulling out his mobile. I raise a surprised brow and Griff laughs, “I know, tell me about it, the Chief having a social media account. Apparently, it’s to ensure good relations with the public.”