Page 10 of Savage for You
Taylor Swift starts to play, and the girls start to sing along. Damn, Monti has an amazing voice.
I’m broken out of my Montana trance when Addison walks up.
“Rocky, here you are. Want to go back and swim? It’s hot.”
Just then, Montana's head turns towards us, and she looks at me as Autumn says something to her, and she shakes her head and turns her back to me.
Hmm, interesting.
“Nah, I want to see this.” I cross my arms, and I’m pretty sure I hear Talon and Xander chuckle next to me.
She rolls her eyes and stands next to me. Her friends come over and grab her, then she ends up going back over to Xander’s house.
She’s a great friend. Xander always gives me shit about Addison, but she’s a nice person once you get to know her. We met freshman year when I was the backup quarterback, and I was her football player for the season. What I mean by that is the cheerleaders and the football players are linked, and the cheerleaders make gift baskets for the players at the beginning of the season. It’s a tradition that started at SBU back when Romeo Taylor was playing here. His girlfriend Talia started it and it took off.
They are setting up to play the beer pong game now, and my girl looks in her element. My girl. She and Autumn are talking, and my sister looks nervous. Montana is trying to calm her down and tell her not to worry. Shit, I’m worried. I don’t want her to kiss anyone else—I want her to kiss me. Soon.
When the game starts, they do eye to eye to see who goes first. Montana sinks her first cup. She looks over to Talon and smiles. He is grinning from ear to ear.
“Is that your man?” one of the guys’ asks. .
“No, that’s my cousin, Talon.”
His smile gets brighter, straight white teeth on full display at my statement and his ball lands in the middle cup.
“Drink up, gorgeous.”
She drains her cup. Autumn goes and bounces the ball and sinks it. Blondie has to drink two cups. She smiles so wide. I love this side of her. She's free.
Montana is up next. She tosses the ball right into the cup and she makes an island with the cups. I feel like she’s a mastermind because she sinks it into the cup she called, and they both need to drink, and take a shot. I’m beginning to understand why Montana took that bet. She’s really good.
“How in the world is she so good?”
“Her uncle. He’s only ten years older than her. He taught her at a young age. He said he didn't want, and I quote ‘someone’s dusty ass son trying to impress her with a game of beer pong.’ Went over real well with her dad.” He laughs.
“She won't have to kiss them?”
“Not unless she wants to and throws the game.” He smirks.
Yeah, my dentist is going to be on call with this woman. She will be my undoing. I’ll get gray hair earlier than usual because of her. I chuckle to myself.
The guys have one cup left and Autumn is up. The girls have three cups left. Autumn tosses the ball, and it swirls the cup, and they finger it out. Fuck.
The guys make a shot, and it lands inside the cup. Now the girls are down to two cups, and Montana is up next. She’s acting like she’s about to toss the ball in and then she looks at me in my eyes and tosses the ball. She makes the shot, and everyone is hollering cheers because they won. Xander and Talon go over to them and hug them. I follow behind and hug Autumn first, then I hug Montana. She feels so good in my arms. Breathing her in, she smells like her sunblock but also like cotton candy.
The other guys walk over, and I reluctantly let her go.
“Damn, Monti, you’re really good. Autumn, you are too. I, for sure, thought this was going to be an easy win. No offense.”
Monti scoffs, but smiles. “Well, boys, I’ll let you in on my secret. My uncle has been playing with me since I was ten. He’s ten years older than me and is more like an older brother than my uncle.” She smirks.
They groan, and throw their heads back. Looks like you ain’t getting that kiss now, boys. I want to stick my tongue out at them like a fucking child.
“Alright, you win. A bet’s a bet. What kind of alcohol do y’all want?”
“Do you have Malibu Rum? If so, we’ll take that one.”
The guys walk away and grab the brand-new bottle and hand it to them.