Page 55 of Savage for You
“Yes, should we go to the gym or at the park today?”
“Park. It's so pretty out, and it's not too hot.”
“Sounds good! I'll meet you at our spot later.”
“You got it! See ya.”
“See you later, girl.”
We get up and go our separate ways for our classes. This is my last class of the day and one of my favorites—business marketing. I love it because of the projects that Professor Coleman gives out. I love them because they can be added to your portfolio if needed for after graduation.
I take a seat where I usually sit—in the middle of the first row, because I feel like if I sit anywhere else, I won't pay attention. This class is usually pretty full because Professor Coleman is an easy teacher and he’s easy on the eyes too. If you’re into that sort of thing. I mean, I love reading about the forbidden-ness of being with a professor, but he just reminds me of my uncle. Ew.
I'm just playing with a graphic design program on my laptop when I hear the one person I don’t want to. I look up to see Addison has joined this class.
“Nice of you to finally grace us with your presence, Miss Montgomery. Take your seat.”
“Just my fucking luck,” I grumble under my breath.
I go back to doing what I’m doing on my phone, trying to ignore her very existence, when I hear, “Can you move your stuff, I’m trying to sit down.”
“Actually, this seat is saved for someone else,” I say without even looking at her.
“Oh yeah? Who.”
“Me,” Talon says from behind her.
She turns around and looks up at him and rolls her eyes.
Talon sits down so she has to find another seat. I look over at him and I’m thankful he is taking this class with me. If I had to sit next to Addison, I don't think we would have made it through class without her pushing my buttons.
This girl needs to get a life. I don't understand how some women are the way they are over a man. If Rocky didn’t want to be with me, it wouldn’t have been the end of the world. There are plenty of fish in the sea. This college has over 54,000 students but she's stuck on one. I don't understand it. She's not an ugly girl, but her ugly personality doesn’t make her desirable. You would think people who are in their twenties would do better.
“Alright everyone, this week's project is on the board. I want it by Friday. I will be pairing you off in the next few days for your final project. Whoever you are paired with will be your final partner— and no, changing partners will not be permitted. Keep an eye out for your partner pair through email.”
Why do I feel like I am not going to like who my partner is?
“Remind me why I took this class again?” Talon groans beside me.
“Because if you want to take over some responsibilities with the team, you will be a bigger asset if you actually learn something in college.” I smile at him.
He rolls his eyes at me. “Yeah, yeah you sound like Atlas,” he groans and throws his head back.
I’m working on a project for my portfolio, and I cannot keep the smile off my face for how much I love what I do. I’m working on a book cover for a book I read and loved. It’s about a hockey player who is dating his best friend's sister. It’s one of my favorite books and I am having fun remaking the cover. The original cover is purple, so I’m still using purple, but the design is totally different—it’s nice and subtle. The book is about a hockey player, Max and Evie, his girl, so the cover I’m designing is them with their hands held up to the rink glass, but they are kind of in the background—it's called line art. She’s wearing his jersey with ‘Harmon’ on the back and his number.
I have a smile on my face as I'm looking at the book cover that I created.
“You are scary good at this,” Talon says as he nods to my work on my computer.
“Thanks. Hey, we wanted to sing karaoke this weekend since it's a bye week. Are you down?”
“Who’s we?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know? Just kidding, Rocky, Xander, Autumn, and I,” I say with a big smile on my face.
“Yeah, sounds good. I'll come. I have to make sure you don't get too drunk,” he says with a big smile on his face.
“Sureeeee,” I drawl out and continue, “You sure it's not the hot curvy brunette who’s also coming.”