Page 70 of Savage for You
Game on.
After a while, I finally find Autumn talking to Dallas outside by a bonfire. She’s laughing at something he’s saying, and I haven’t seen her look so happy in a while.
Man, Talon really fumbled that one. Ha! Freaking football puns.
I quickly realize that these two would like some alone time, so I walk over to Marley who is sitting by the fire as well. She looks deep in thought, but she looks up at me and smiles.
“Are you good, girl?” I whisper to her.
“Yeah. I’m fine just thinking about Kennedy.” She waves me off.
Kennedy is her little sister who loves to play football. She plays in the pop warner league my dad started.
“I need to go to one of her games soon.” I nod looking into the fire.
“Yeah, she would love that.”
“What’s up with you and Xander?” I ask.
She gives me this look like, do we need to talk about it? and then rolls her eyes but says, “We just go way back and let’s just say he fucked around and found out.” She shrugs.
“Ohh, enemies to lovers. I love it, it’s one of my favorite tropes.” I shimmy, and she laughs.
She snorts, “more like enemies who stay enemies.” She rolls her eyes.
Yeah, okay, and I’m Taylor Swift.
Hmm, interesting. I wonder if Rocky knows what happened between them. Seeing as Marley doesn’t want to talk about that, I look over and see Dallas and Autumn getting cozier, so I change the subject.
When I walk up to Autumn, I notice the cute blush she is sporting on her cheeks. She gives me a hug and tells me that Dallas has asked her out on a date. Well, look at that.
I peek over to Dallas, and I see a huge smile on his face and decide this could be a great thing for my friend.
I clear my throat. “So, Dallas, what are your intentions with my friend?”
His eyes go wide, and he looks as if he’s about to spit his drink out.
“I think she’s really beautiful, and I would like to see where this goes.” He winks at her, and she blushes.
“Okay, well, just know if you hurt her, or touch her without her permission…I will end you. ’Mkay?”
His eyes go wide again. “You have my word. I won’t hurt her.” He’s looking into my eyes when he says that and then I feel a presence behind me.
“Good, because I’ll help her. You can’t play hockey with a broken arm now, could you?” Rocky says as he takes a sip of his water, looking at Dallas like he better not.
“Look, I know what you’ve heard, but not everything you hear is true. I won't hurt your sister. She’s amazing from what I can tell the little time we have spent together, but I can’t wait to get to know her more. And damn, Savage, I guess your last name lives up to you being ruthless, huh?”
“Oh yeah, especially when it comes to someone I love.” He’s nodding and then holds his fist out and they bump them together. Men.
Talon and Brooklyn walk over to where we are, and he stares between the two of them. I lift my brow at him, and he shakes his head.
Xander sits by Autumn and says, “Let’s play never have I ever, or put a finger down.”
“You all have fun with that. Talon, I need to talk to you about something.” I get up and start walking, not waiting for his response. I walk over to the big oak tree that is dangling with lanterns.
“Party pooper!” Autumn yells.
Talon walks up, and I cross my arms over my chest. He starts to say something, but I hold my hand up.