Page 74 of Savage for You
I know my parents have more to say, but that’ll have to wait.
We’re sitting around the couch with the fireplace going and a bunch of pictures are scattered on the table. There are pictures of us when we were younger, of our moms in college together and some of all four of our parents together. I look over at my girl and see her hand placed over her mouth, quietly sobbing. I move closer to her and hold onto her to let her know it's okay to cry.
She sees a picture of three little kids on the table and she picks it up. She’s smiling at it.
“Hey, that’s me.”
I sit there, smiling at Montana, and in the corner of my eye I see my mom smirking because she knows exactly what I’m thinking about. She knows it's the picture about the story of when I proposed to Montana. I know it's crazy that I knew her when I was little but forgot. It’s wild how memories work. Our moms were close but when we moved away, we lost touch, I put everything in a box. Even though our moms called and texted each other frequently, I guess it's different when that person is in your life all the time or while you’re older. Then, as I grew up, the memories faded.
Monti picks up the next picture with the two of us and the ring I got her.
“Babe, I still have this ring. It’s the reason my favorite color is green. How could I forget? I know the ring, but I couldn’t remember where it came from. I know I was young, but to forget that part of my life?”
“Well, honey, you two were really young when we moved, and we didn’t see each other. I guess over the years, you made new memories and forgot about these ones. Can you name anyone in your elementary class? Well, maybe a few that you stayed friends with over time?”
“No, you’re right. I can’t. We moved around a few times, so other than Holly, I don't remember a lot of people. Unfortunately, I wish I could forget her,” she huffs out.
“Monti, here’s a picture of us at a sleepover,” Autumn says.
“Oh my gosh, this is so great. Can I have copies of these? I have pictures from my parents, but I haven’t had the courage to go through them yet. I haven’t been able to put any up around the house. It still hurts so much.” She sniffles.
“Oh honey, of course you can. Do you want me to go through them with you? Because I will,” Mom says as she pulls Monti into a hug, and they cry together.
Montana is so strong, and I want her to know that with me, she doesn’t have to be strong all the time. She can lean on me. When she is twenty-five percent, I will be the other seventy-five percent for her. She’ll learn that she can let her guard down and I won't let her down. She’ll never have to worry where I am and who I’m with because when I do have to go somewhere, my heart is with her.
“Honey, I know it's not the same but when you need me or miss your mom, you can always call or stop by anytime. I know I’m not your mom, but I loved her so much and I love you too.”
“Thank you, I’ve missed her so much, especially recently.”
She snuggles up to my side and my mom smiles. She turns and I know she wants to say something, but she doesn’t. She just gives me this look like ‘I know you won't mess this up, but don’t mess this up.’
I smile, kiss the top of her head, and hold onto Montana a little bit tighter.
I know she has her Uncle Atlas, but now she has us too. She needs to know that her parents will be her angels.
We are her family now too.
I’m her family and she’s mine.
Since last week was a bye week, today we’re playing against the University of North Carolina. Ian Maye is both a friend and rival. We met in high school through the football camps we both attended. Everyone thought we would butt heads but he’s really down to earth and someone you can talk to when you need a friend. He comes from a great family, even though I know he’s under a lot of pressure from everyone around him.
When teams win, everyone is extremely happy for us, but when we lose, people can be really fucking ruthless. Obviously, they forget that we’re still young. Do people think we want to lose? Fuck, no. It sucks for us as much as it sucks for the fans. I’d like to know how people would feel if that was their kid being bullied online. Pissed.
Coach Mack has been tense this last week gearing up for this game. I know he wants this win as much as we do. This is one of our last home games this season.
Traveling sucks at times, but I’ll have to get used to it since I plan on going pro. Montana understands how it is, and I’m glad that she grew up around the game.
Last weekend was rough on all of us, but we made it through. I know that she’s scared of what people would think of who she is, and how she didn’t want me to ruin my chances at a pick of teams. But what she doesn’t realize is that I’ve always wanted to play for the Vikings.
90s hip hop is blasting through the speakers in the locker room—thanks to Xander— while everyone is getting ready for this rival game. I have my headphones on but is nothing playing; I’m just trying to drown out the noise in front of me and in my head.
Get your head in the game.
I have my head down when Talon sits next to me.