Page 89 of Savage for You
“She—she’s pregnant,” Addison sputters.
“Yes, bitch, and I promise you if anything happens to her or that baby, you will regret it,” Autumn yells, while Talon holds her back.
Kellen walks up and I turn to him before asking. “Where did they go?”
“He just took her to the hotel across the street.”
I look at Autumn and Talon. “Call the cops and mom and dad. I need to find her now!”
“I'll call my parents too,” Talon says.
“You better hope nothing happens to them, Addison,” I seethe.
“Wait!” Talon stops me. “Her evil eye necklace! It has a tracker. She doesn’t know about it. Her uncle Atlas put it in there when she was younger. When she almost got kidnapped by the crazy ass nanny, they put one in her jewelry after as a precaution.”
“Send me the information please! We need to go!”
“On it.”
With that, I take off running to the hotel across the street.
Please don’t let her or our baby be hurt.
I’m so tired, and I haven’t been sleeping as much as I need to be. I don’t want to be here at the club for long because my feet are killing me, my back hurts, and having to pee every ten minutes is for the damn birds.
I have everything set up in the hotel for the surprise waiting for Rocky. Autumn’s such a godsend, she’s been so helpful, and honestly been there for me through it all.
I want to be here for Rocky, it’s his night with the team. They played so amazing today and I want to be by his side to celebrate.
But I also can't wait for him to know why I’ve been so tired and sick lately. I hope he’s happy with the changes that are coming soon. I know we’re young, but we’ll be okay.
This club is very crowded. Jersey chasers along with dudes who think they’re going to get laid.
After dancing with Rocky for a bit, he goes off to talk to his teammates for a while. He checks on me every so often and I love how he always has his eyes on me. Always making me feel safe.
Addison walks up with some drinks. She’s talking about how she met this new guy and how she’s excited to see where it goes. Great, hopefully that means she’ll stop trying to get with Rocky.
“Here, I brought us all a shot.” She smiles.
“Thank you, but I’m not drinking tonight.”
“Come on, one will be okay.”
“No. Thank you, though. I'm just sticking to my usual Dr. Pepper.” I smile.
“Okay, I’ll get you another one, it looks like you’re almost out.”
“Umm, thanks Addison, but you really don’t need to.”
“Yes, I do. I really want us to be friends.”
I don’t know what to make of it. I really don’t. It’s weird…but I don’t know…maybe I was being too harsh on her? She comes back over with the drink, and I take a sip. And then another, I guess I’m thirsty because I’m already halfway through this drink.