Page 54 of Revenge Vows
I shrug carelessly.
“Follow me.”
I walk behind him as he strides ahead of me with his hands behind him.
He is almost as tall as Antonio. At most, there is a two-inch height difference. His face is heavily freckled, and his build is slender and as strong-looking as Antonio’s.
“So, how has your stay at the mansion been so far?” he asks as I walk down the stairs.
I chuckle. You would think it’s an all-expenses paid trip, the way he’s talking about it. It’s almost like he doesn’t think his brother took my freedom from me.
He turns to look at me as we make our way down the giant hallway.
“It’s been a simply marvelous experience. What’s there not to like? I am indoors all day, well-protected by guards who watch my every move, and I have a maid at my beck and call. I am living a dream,” I answer sarcastically.
Our eyes meet, and I smile widely. I hope my smile looks friendly since I want to stab him in the eye with the fork in my pocket.
He nods. “That’s good to hear. You look like you’re having the time of your life.”
I see that, just like his brother, he is cold and lacks a conscience. We get to the door, and the guards pull it open.
It’s the first time in weeks that I have felt the sun directly on my skin. The cool afternoon breeze hits me, and I feel tears sting my eyes at the thought of everything that has been taken away from me by these men. I used to have a life that wasn’t perfect, but at least I wasn’t locked up in a room.
We walk into the garden that is blooming with the prettiest flowers, and he stops abruptly, turning to me with a frown on his face.
My lips curve up in a smile. “Is there a problem?”
He pulls out a gun and points it at my head. I don’t flinch, and the smile doesn’t leave my face as the cold barrel of the gun presses down on my forehead.
“I should thank you for today. You saved my brothers and me,” he growls.
“I’m not accustomed to being appreciated with a gun to my head. Anyhow, you’re welcome,” I reply.
I feel for the handle of the fork in my pocket.
“Why didn’t you tell the cops the truth?” he asks, pressing the gun harder into my head.
“What exactly should I have told them, pray tell? What exactly is the truth?”
“Don’t be smart with me. I could kill you here and now.”
“Then do it.”
There is tense silence as I calmly meet his eyes and stand still, waiting for him to carry out his threat. His fingers flex on the trigger, and a shiver runs through my spine, but I don’t move.
His face suddenly relaxes, and he pulls the gun away. “You’re a fearless one, aren’t you?”
I dare not exhale or show fear. So instead, I grin. “It would be a shame for me to die before getting to know my brother-in-law properly.”
He tilts his head and looks at me. “Do you think you’re actually going to stay married to him?”
I raise my finger to show the ring. “I mean, it has taken a bit of getting used to, but I think I am going to enjoy being married to your brother.”
He lets out a snort, and I realize he is laughing. “What about being married to him? Do you like it?”
I shrug. “He fucks well.”
The smile leaves his face, and he raises his gun. “Hey, don’t get too comfortable!” he snaps.