Page 53 of Tongue-Tied
“How did you know?” he replies, and my smile falters.
“Y…you have a date?” I’m more shocked than anything and, okay, a little disappointed, which doesn’t make any sense. “Tell me?—”
“Hold that thought,” he says as a customer named Everly approaches. I only know that because the guy sometimes asks him for book recs. He tells Austin what he’s in the mood to read, and Austin is only too happy to help.
My mind reels as he takes the order and fills it. When did he join a dating app again? Or did he meet someone recently—like between the texts from my class and now?
Is it this Everly guy? They do share a love of reading.
When Everly leaves and Austin returns to studying his phone, it seems unlikely. But damn, do I want to wring my best friend’s neck. “Dude, the suspense is killing me.”
“Oh yeah, sorry.” He clears his throat. “So I have this third date coming up with a guy?—”
All the breath whooshes out of me, and I sag against the counter. I can feel him staring, and I have no idea how to explain what’s going on with me right then.
“Are you all right?” His eyebrows knit together. “Or did you change your mind?”
“Of course not.” I try to pull myself together. “Go on, let’s hear about this third-date idea.”
He smiles at his phone, then lifts it to show me. “Well, my favorite author, Victoria Paige, has a signing at a San Luco bookstore Friday evening, and I was hoping…”
“Yes! That sounds great,” I say, mostly because I know how psyched he must be.
“Are you sure?” He studies me. “You don’t even like books or reading or anything.”
“Not true. Maybe text your date some more getting-acquainted questions so you get the scoop on his favorite childhood bedtime stories.”
He rolls his eyes. “Come on, Dex. Be honest.”
“I read! Just not the same books as you. And I would love to go with you so you can fangirl all over her.”
“Oh God, I hope I’m not that bad.” His face turns red. “I just want to hear her speak and then ask her to sign a book or two.”
“That would be epic.” My grin falters briefly. “Unless you think someone like Everly would get more out of the experience?”
“Everly?” He looks off into the distance. “No way. Besides, we’re only acquaintances, and this is a date. Well, a practice one, but still. I would love to go with you.”
I blow out a breath. “Okay, cool. Just making sure.”
He nods. “I just figured since you picked the other dates, we could do this one thing that I want.”
“Well, damn…” I feel guilty that I chose party-type atmospheres on our other two outings. So not his thing. “Now I wonder if?—”
“No, that came out wrong. That’s not how I meant it. Only that I actually have an idea for a change.”
“Gotcha.” He has a point. It’s always me prodding him to come to one thing or another. I like that he wants to do this and seems so excited about it. “So I’ll be at your place at six Friday night. Sound good?”
His voice is dreamy when he says, “Sounds perfect.”
As another customer approaches, I stand aside and wait as an idea begins taking shape. Austin seems confused to see me waiting there.
“So, hey, what are you doing later?”
His forehead crinkles. “Uh, eating at the campus dining hall? You?”
“It’s Pizza Trivia night at Poli House, and I wondered if you wanted to come?” I realize how that might confuse things, so I add, “As my best friend. It’s Jeopardy style, and you’ll be awesome at the literature category.”
He makes a face. “Is that the only reason you’re asking me?”