Page 61 of Tongue-Tied
I watch her drive off, feeling melancholy and hopeful all at once.
Back in my room, I spot the bag I abandoned earlier.
“Damn it, the flowers.”
They’re beginning to wilt, so I lift them out of the bag and find them some water.
I walk out of the bookstore on a high after meeting a favorite author and being able to chat with her because of the VIP pass.
“That was probably the highlight of my year,” I say to Angelica’s friend, Luna, who showed up at the signing at the last minute and sat near me when the author read a chapter of her book to the audience.
“Thanks for introducing me to her books,” Luna replies. “Kael mentioned you’d be attending the signing, but I didn’t imagine how crowded it would be. Glad I found you there.”
“Me too.” I wave as we part ways. “Catch you later.”
I can’t stop the grin splitting my lips, and I owe it all to Dex. I still can’t believe he surprised me with a ticket that no doubt cost a pretty penny. Though I wish he’d been with me, I can’t blame him that real life intruded, and Jodi needed him.
He was frustrated, that was obvious, but letting him off the hook about the date seemed to release his tension a little. Jodi’s awful dating life has always been a sticking point between them, and he’s been a shoulder to cry on one too many times. Suppose I’m lucky that my stepdad turned out to be amazing, or Mom might’ve found herself in a similar situation. Or maybe not. Regardless, dating and romance are tough out there, and I can relate.
When I get back to the dorm, Kael’s bed is empty, which doesn’t surprise me. He said he’d be going over to Angelica’s tonight.
I’m about to get changed when there’s a soft knock on my door.
I pull it open to see Dex standing there. “What…are you okay?”
He produces a vase of poppies from behind his back. Well, not really a vase, more like a tall plastic cup, but good enough.
“I forgot to give you these.” He frowns. “Not that I had the opportunity.”
“Thank you.” I let him inside, my stomach all mushy at his thoughtfulness. “How’s your mom?”
“Better, I think.” He sighs. “She left a bit ago.”
I set the flowers on my desk. “What was that all about?”
“Take a wild guess.”
“Her latest ex?”
“Bingo.” He sinks down on my bed. “Is it ever about anything else? I just wish she’d take a breather and learn how to be alone so she can see it’s not so bad.”
I sit beside him. “I know you do.”
“I’m sorry the date was ruined.” His eyes are soft and searching. “Tell me about it?”
We lie on my bed, which is a tight fit but feels like old times. I tell him how the VIPs had their own private Q and A session with her. Afterward, I waited in line so she could sign my books.
“She was so kind and down-to-earth.” I sigh dreamily. “It was amazing. Thank you so much.”
“You’re welcome. Just wish I could’ve been there for you.” He makes a frustrated sound, his muscles wound tight. I rarely see him this out of sorts. He’s good at letting shit go, but apparently tonight is really sticking with him.
I sit up. “Hey, how about we pretend this is the end of our date.”
The corners of his mouth turn down. “But I missed the best parts.”