Page 49 of Pack and Forth
As the pack began to mingle and celebrate, Kira found herself swept up in a sea of well-wishes and congratulations. Packmates young and old came forward to embrace her, to offer their support and share stories of their own challenges and triumphs.
Kira listened with rapt attention, soaking up every word like a sponge. These were her people now, her responsibility and her joy. She vowed to learn their names, their hopes and dreams, to be the alpha female they deserved.
Through it all, Rex and Nash remained by her side, their presence a steadying force in the whirlwind of emotion. Every so often, Rex would pull her close, pressing a tender kiss to her temple or whispering words of love and encouragement in her ear.
Nash, ever the jokester, kept her laughing with his playful antics and silly puns. He twirled her around the dance floor, dipping her low and planting a smacking kiss on her lips that had the whole pack hooting and hollering.
As the night wore on and the celebration showed no signs of slowing, Kira found herself taking a moment to catch her breath. She slipped away from the revelry, finding a quiet spot beneath a towering oak tree.
She tilted her face up to the starry sky, marveling at the beauty of the night. The moon hung full and heavy, casting a silvery glow over the world below. Kira closed her eyes, drinking in the peace of the moment.
“Penny for your thoughts, love.”
Kira startled, turning to find Rex watching her with a gentle smile. He crossed to her side, pulling her into his arms and nuzzling his face into her hair.
“Just taking a moment to let it all sink in,” Kira murmured, melting into his embrace. “I never thought I’d have this, you know? A pack as a family. A shifter family at all. Maggie was my only family. Now, I feel like I have this community I belong to. It’s...overwhelming, in the best possible way.”
Rex hummed, his chest rumbling against her back. “You’ve always belonged, Kira. You just needed to find your way home to us.”
Kira turned in his arms, looping her own around his neck. “I love you, Rex. More than I ever thought possible.”
Rex’s eyes shone in the moonlight, a wealth of emotion swirling in their blue depths. “And I love you, my fierce lioness. My heart, my soul, my everything.”
He captured her lips in a searing kiss, pouring every ounce of his love and devotion into the press of his mouth against hers. Kira returned the kiss with equal fervor, losing herself in the heat of his touch.
A pointed cough had them breaking apart, turning to find Nash watching them with a raised brow and a smirk. “You two planning on rejoining the party anytime soon, or should I tell the pack to start without you?”
Kira laughed, disentangling herself from Rex’s embrace and holding out a hand to Nash. “Get over here, you goof. I need my boys with me.”
Nash’s face softened, his green eyes glowing with adoration as he joined them beneath the tree. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders.
“Your boys, huh?” he murmured, pressing a kiss to the top of Kira’s head. “I like the sound of that.”
And there, surrounded by the strength and love of her triad, she’d finally found her place in the world. Whatever challenges lay ahead, whatever storms they might weather, they would face them together.
Always and forever, the three of them against the world.
With renewed excitement, Kira took her mates’ hands and tugged them back to the celebration. “Come on, let’s go show this pack how to really party!”
Nash whooped, breaking into a jog. “Last one there has to do dishes for a week!”
Rex and Kira shared a look. As one, they took off after Nash, their laughter ringing out into the night air.
Kira stepped into Gerri’s office, flanked by Rex and Nash, their presence a comforting warmth at her back. The matchmaker sat behind her desk, her silver-white hair gleaming in the sunlight that streamed through the windows, her blue eyes sparkling with wisdom.
“Well, well, well,” Gerri said, her voice rich with amusement, “if it isn’t my favorite triad. To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?”
Kira couldn’t help but smile at Gerri’s irreverent tone, feeling some of the tension drain from her shoulders. “We wanted to give you an update on the Dupont situation,” she said, settling into one of the plush chairs in front of the desk. “He’s dead. He won’t be a threat to your agency anymore.”
Gerri waved a dismissive hand, her lips curving into a smirk. “Oh, honey, I knew that old bastard would be out of the way soon enough. He was never really a concern for me. I’ve dealt with far worse than the likes of him.”
Kira blinked, taken aback by Gerri’s nonchalance. “But... he was sabotaging your business, your reputation. He could have ruined everything you’ve worked so hard to build.”
Gerri leaned forward, her eyes glinting with a knowing look. “Kira, darling, let me tell you something. In any business, there will always be people who try to tear you down, who try to undermine your success. But the key is to never let them see you sweat. You keep your head high, your shoulders back, and you keep doing what you do best. Everything else will sort itself out in the end. Besides,” Gerri grinned at Nash, “I’ve got an amazing hacker on my payroll now. It won’t happen again.”
Rex chuckled, shaking his head in admiration. “I can see why you’ve been so successful, Gerri. You’ve got a backbone of steel.”