Page 79 of Twisted Bonds
Bobble growls in his throat, the high pitched mewl of a feral cat cornered.
“But then… you found him. You walked right up to him and killed him. But I knew it was too good to be true. He could never be defeated so easily. So I waited and finally went to inspect his tower where he liked to putter around and torture little creatures. That’s when I caught the first scent of you. The demands from Malicryn didn’t stop. I was still to deliver you. So I used one of the portals to bounce around until I caught your scent again and brought you here. Malicryn is coming to collect you soon. I don’t know when, but we-”
“Enough.” Sunder cuts in. “This is all bullshit.”
“Yurghen’s gathering power. I’ve been told he’s back to his old self. He’s on the move, getting ready to execute his plans.” I explain.
“And what exactly are the plans, Tairyn? Why are they coming to collect me? No lies or half truths. Everything you know.”
“I’ve told you everything I know. My guess is that somehow, you are to be part of the ritual to open the Great River.”
Bobble’s growl grows in his chest like a long high-pitched warning, an angry cat ready to strike. But Callum cracks his knuckles and asks, “Like a sacrifice?”
“I saw a vision about it, but you understand that it may not be accurate.” I wait for them to nod in understanding before proceeding. “In that vision, her soul left her body, and a new one took its place. I believe she is the Vessel to which he will bind a lost soul.”
The memory twists my gut in disgust. The rage and despair I felt watching it unfold so helplessly surge through me anew.
“And what of Callum? Is he also to be delivered?” Mira’s mouth twists around the word with pure disgust the same way my stomach does.
“Cal? No. He’s not involved. I brought him here of my own volition.”
“Why? Just because you enjoy being a cruel bastard?” she spits back.
I shake my head wearily. “I thought I was protecting him. Despite what you all think, I like Cal. Another vision. A thousand different deaths, standing up for what he believed to be right. I admire that quality.” I meet his steady gaze. “I wish I had that quality. I didn’t want you to die for it, so I brought you here to be a comfortable, albeit forced, guest. When you insisted on staying in the dungeon, I assumed the role of your jailor. I thought it was better than the alternative.”
Mira’s eyes dart frantically between Callum and me, her expression wrought with confusion and doubt. Her inner turmoil is visible as she struggles to determine what is real and what is a deception.
“Mira—” I pause, swallowing hard. “In the time I’ve spent with you, I’ve realized that what Yurghen and Malicryn offer is hollow. It is void of meaning and passion. But you… you make me want to be better.”
I force the words out through gritted teeth, the pain in my voice mirroring the agony I feel within. The chasm between us is like a gaping wound when only moments ago it felt like a bridge was forming.
“Is that supposed to make me feel better, Tairyn?” Mira asks, her voice dripping with disdain.
“Of course not. I wanted to tell you. I didn’t mean for you to find out like this.”
“No. Shoving me into a broom closet while you discuss your evil plans with your ex was a much better outcome.”
“Typical Tairyn,” Sunder spits, shaking his head.
“Yes, I get it,” I say, my patience wearing thin. Rising to my full height, almost equal with Sunder, I step up to him until our faces are only a hand span apart. “You don’t trust me. But do you really think I’d risk everything just to screw you over again? I’ve lost everything already. We need to get her far away from here. Today.”
Mira’s gaze burns into me, her eyes filled with silent accusation. The room falls into a heavy stillness, each Shard weighing my words and I can feel their thoughts churning like a storm. My heart hammers against my ribs. Doubt creeps into my mind, wondering if this desperate plea will all be in vain.
“Look, all I’m asking is for a chance to prove myself. Mira, meeting you changed me. And learning of Yurghen’s plans to break open the Great River… I can’t stand idly by any longer. Your life is at risk. Ask yourself. Do you truly believe I would let harm befall you?”
Like an ancient tapestry, her eyes reveal glimpses of emotions and thoughts, spinning and weaving in intricate patterns, yet remaining still and silent. Her uncertainty gnaws at me like a ravenous beast gnawing its prey.
Finally, after what seems like an eternity, she exhales slowly. “I don’t know if I can trust you, but leaving here is the best course of action, regardless.”
The room becomes a whirl of activity. Bobble stands up, flexing his large muscles. Sunder gives me a sidelong glance, his face unreadable.
“Are we done questioning him?” Bobble asks, something odd at the edge of his voice.
“For now,” Sunder grunts, still eyeing me suspiciously.
In a blur of movement, Bobble’s fist rockets towards my face, the force of impact causing my jaw to snap with a sickening crack. The world around me turns into a kaleidoscope of stars and swirling colors as my vision blurs and fades into darkness.