Page 77 of Sinful Escape
After glancing around and confirming that I wasn’t about to be evicted for being a fraud in the exclusive bar or for card counting, I reached for my clutch and fished out my phone.
I’d missed two texts from Roman.
Hey Red, you looked smoking tonight. Congrats on the hookup. He was hot
My jaw hit the floor. Hook up? So, Roman assumed I was going to have sex with Oscar. Even I didn’t know that yet. Couldn’t we have just gone for a drink and a chat?
Were Oscar’s intentions that obvious?
Oh, God. Does this dress say I’m ready and willing to jump into bed with a random stranger?
I read Roman’s other text.
Txt me when you’re back at the hotel so I know you’re ok. And I wanna hear all about it tomorrow.
My mind spun on a stupid merry-go-round of reasons why I should and why I shouldn’t go to the mysterious Oscar. But as quickly as the doubts came, I rapidly found a reasonable answer. Soon, the scales began to tilt in favor of yes.
The only downside that I could fathom about going to room 710 was my safety. Oscar was a complete stranger. A stranger who owned sixty-nine hair salons, apparently, and who was staying in a room that cost about two and a half thousand euros per night.
I punched a text out to Zali.
Hey, met a guy. He’s really hot. I mean, totally off the charts
Her reply took six seconds.
I fucking told you. Tell me more
Think James Bond—distinguished, handsome, hot as hell
Fuck yeah. AND?
He invited me back to his room at Hotel De Paris
Is that a nice hotel?
One of the most expensive hotels in Europe
Well what the fuck are you waiting for?!?!
Hmmm, Zali clearly wasn’t concerned for my safety. I keyed in another text.
Okay, well, if you never see me again, I was kidnapped by Oscar LeRoche and am being held captive in room 710 at Hotel De Paris
Drama queen! Don’t be so negative. Go have fun
Maybe I was a drama queen. But I’d never been on a date with a stranger before. Hell, I’d never been on a date. William and I had never dated as such. We went from friends to girlfriend/boyfriend without any romance in between. I sent a reply.
Just covering my ass
Go uncover that ass. That’s an order
I tapped out one final text.
Okay, wish me luck. Love you. xxx
Luv ya too, babe. Now relax and enjoy. What’s the worst that can happen?’
I pounded my phone with a response.