Page 79 of Sinful Escape
God damn it. Keeping the ugly undies was necessary.
With that decision made, I tugged my knickers up to my belly button and pulled down my dress.
After washing my hands, I planted a smile on my face and strode from the restroom, ready to go to my sexy stranger.
With each heart-pounding step, my brain bounced from one scenario to the next.
From smoking-hot, mind-blowing sex with the hottest man I’d ever met to him being disgusted by my hideous body.
I froze. Crap. Crap. Crap. My knees trembled.
What the fuck am I doing? Indecision pinned me in place.
Stop it, Daisy! You’re going to see a gentleman who just happens to be staying at one of the most iconic hotels in Europe.
Nothing more.
Oh my god. His invite may’ve been purely innocent. He might have been inviting me just to show off his room. After all, I raved on a bit about the incredible architecture at the casino. Oscar was just being nice.
I wanted to slap myself. I’d totally taken his invite out of context.
I forced my feet to keep moving.
By the time I reached the lobby at Hotel De Paris, I’d convinced myself that the concept of Oscar and I actually getting naked was preposterous. He was all debonair and class. I grew up in trailer parks and had to buy a special dress to be accepted into the casino.
Oscar and I were from totally different worlds, and that was how it would stay.
It didn’t mean I shouldn’t accept his offer though. Right?
My jaw dropped as I crossed the threshold to the lobby of Hotel De Paris. Opulence surrounded me. Grandeur emanated from every angle. Marble colonnades, crystal chandeliers, rich colors of gold and ruby, and life-sized statues adorned the majestic space. I had no idea why I’d never been here before.
Within a minute, that question was answered.
I was very much out of place.
The people around me oozed money from their designer clothing, lavish jewelry, and handmade shoes to their expensive perfumes and refined accents. They’d only need a quick glance in my direction to know I didn’t belong.
Hang on. . . I’d been invited here by one of the sexiest men I’d ever met.
So yeah, this little chicky from Down Under did belong.
I thrust my shoulders back, held my head high, and prayed I didn’t face-plant as I strode across the marble expanse toward the elevators. The doors opened as I approached and a couple who, based on her shimmering emerald, green ball gown and his crisp, black tuxedo and matching green bow tie, looked to be dressed for the opera stepped out. I followed two ladies into the elevator, and when they glanced my way, their looks confirmed they were unimpressed with their company.
But when they pressed the button for the third floor, I gave them a fuck you look and made a show of waving my card over the panel and pressing the button for the penthouse. As we rode upward in silence we stared at our reflections in the mirrored doors. Their outfits probably cost in excess of three thousand euros each. Mine, on the other hand, cost less than three hundred.
Yet it was me who was heading up to the premium suites.
Yay. Notch one up for Daisy Chayne.
Once they’d stepped out, I waited until the door shut before I gave them the royal finger. I examined my makeup, wishing I’d bought lipstick today, but other than that, my makeover was still amazing. My freckles were completely concealed. I gently fiddled with my hair, ensuring the intricate braid was still impeccable. It was.
The elevator glided to a smooth stop and the doors swished open. My heart leaped to my throat as I stepped onto the plush carpet. It was so silent, I actually heard myself swallow as I walked the fifteen paces to room 710.
Stopping at his door, I sucked in a few deep breaths, closed my eyes in an attempt to calm my racing heart, and tugged my knickers back into position.
Recalling his smoky gray eyes, and how they’d devoured me with their intensity, I huffed out a breath, reached up, and pressed the bell.
Chapter Seventeen