Page 4 of Trusting Her Bear
I can make it through one fucking party.
Chapter Two
“No, no, no,” I whimper. I lay my head on my shaking hands on the steering wheel and take deep breaths to calm my rapid heartbeat.
I knew it would be hard to come back here. I have been preparing as much as possible to see the place where I was held in a cage for two months. I have made progress over the months since I was rescued. I thought I could handle it.
Resting my chin on my crossed fingers, I peek through the windshield at the town I can see in the distance.
“Ten more miles,” I whisper. “I can do this.”
You may be wondering why you would return to the place where you were held against your will.
My family has been equally supportive and smothering since I came back. I love them, but I was suffocated by their watchful, pitying eyes. I want to feel fucking normal again. I want to be able to walk into a bar and not freak out because a bar was where I met the date who kidnapped me. They wouldn’t let me do anything alone, which sounded great for a while, but after months of being unable to walk down the street by myself, I had had enough.
How am I supposed to heal if I can’t face it?
They were not happy about my choice to move. When you are constantly treated as if you can’t handle the basics of daily life, you start believing it. I need to find my strength again. I have been terrified for too long. They texted me numerous times during the drive, and my mom called once, hesitant to ask how I was doing. I don’t want to think about our complicated relationship.
I need this. I have to walk this path.
I knew it was going to be challenging. I had crossed two states without any problem, with the windows down, the music blaring, and plenty of snacks to eat. But the moment I saw my destination, I lost it.
“I can do this,” I repeat. “The bad men aren’t here anymore. They are all dead. I will live my life despite their desire to break me. I will not break.” My voice grows stronger with every word.
I discovered that it helps to voice my wishes, fears, and steps out loud. I spent a month in therapy working on my fears. As a brown bear shifter, speaking to a stranger about your problems isn't normal. It helped until it didn’t anymore.
I learned to put a smile on my face to soothe my family, hiding what I felt on the inside, making sure never to show it on the outside. I wanted them to think all they had done was helping. They tried, but I found myself trying to make them feel better.
Breeane was different. My best friend, my rock. After the first week after I returned, she made everything normal when I was with her. She treated me as the friend I have always been, and I am so grateful. I love her desperately, and the last month without her has been brutal. It’s not the same, just talking on the phone. I need her presence in my life, face to face. She is my sister, even though she was human and I’m a bear shifter.
The day I told her about shifters' existence, she didn’t blink. She accepted everything I am. I felt free. Free to be myself.
She was all in when I brought up the idea of moving and opening a bakery. She didn’t ask why or think I was crazy. She is a baker, and I knew she had always wanted to open her own place. Her family is the opposite of mine. They have always treated her like shit.
She moved here first, hoping to get started on the construction. She did that and more. The construction company she was considering hiring happened to be three brothers who turned out to be her mates. They are lion shifters and recently turned my best friend into a lion.
I was not expecting one of them to be a shifter who was held in a cage alongside mine. I am anxious to see him again. We didn’t talk much. Logan was already there when they kidnapped me; by then, he had given up. By the end, all of us had. I hope I don’t break down when I see him. I have talked on the phone with Logan since he met Breeane, but seeing him might cause all the bad shit to surface. I am thankful that he is safe and healing. How could he not with a wonderful mate like Breeane?
I lean back in the driver's seat and look behind me. I quickly stopped on the side of the road when I felt the panic rising in my chest. I have to bring myself to keep driving. Step by step. Mile by mile.
I grip the gear shift, my hand flexing in indecision.
I let out a shriek when my phone rings.
Breeane’s name flashes, and tears spring to my eyes. How does she know when I need her?
“Hey,” I answer.
“Where are you?” Her voice rings out over the car's speakers.
“Close.” I look behind me and slowly pull back on the road.
“Come straight to the bakery,” she demands. “I’m waiting here with Logan. How was the drive?”
“It was good,” I lie. Well, it’s only half a lie.