Page 9 of Trusting Her Bear
“How could I not?”
“The bathroom is nice, too.” She walks across the room, pulling me with her. “We put in a big tub, and it also has a shower.”
“Wow,” I sigh, turning around in the middle of the room to take it all in. What girl doesn’t like a nice bathroom? The tub is big enough for two, and the shower, with a glass door, is next to it. “I won’t ever want to leave.” I wander back to the bedroom.
“We also stocked the fridge.”
“Breeane,” I gripe.
“I won’t do it again, but I wanted you set up. Logan is going to get us food. We will eat way too much, and I will stay the night.”
I look from her cautiously excited face to Logan’s uncomfortable one. Being away from your mates so soon after mating is never good. They need each other.
I cup her shoulder. “Would it be alright if we did that another night? I am exhausted.”
“Are you sure?”
I know I was right to say so when she responded without argument. She loves me and wants to be supportive, but she loves her mates.
“I am,” I reply. “My stomach is still full.”
“Should I postpone the party too?”
“No.” I shake my head.
“If it’s too much too soon. . .”
“I’ll be fine,” I say firmly. “I want to meet your other mates and your friends.”
“If you’re sure,” she says, reaching for Logan’s hand.
“Very. Now go home.” I smile and wave my hand.
“I’ll call you in the morning before I come over,” she says.
I nod. “We will lock the door on the way out,” Logan says. “There is a lock on the door here.” He points to the entrance. “Also, the door to the bedroom.”
“I appreciate it, Logan.” He pulls Breeane toward the door.
“I love you. Call if you need anything.”
“I will. I love you too.” I smile until they are on the other side of the door. When I hear the front door lock, I relax my face. I lock the door, deadbolt it, and put the chain in the lock at the top, then sigh.
I turn and lean back. Silence. I need silence now.
I roll my head to the side, see the open curtain and the fading light beyond it and hurry over to shut the heavy curtains. I stand for a moment, taking in my new surroundings. I think about getting something to eat but don’t have the energy or desire.
I look at the locked door again before moving to the bedroom. I mindlessly go through the motions of getting ready for bed.
“Teeth brushed. Face washed. Pee. Wash hands,” I mutter.
I dig through my suitcase and pull out my heavy flannel pajamas. They are warm and worn. My body still isn’t back to the same size it was before. I have always been trim, but I’m still skinnier than I should be. My breasts are small—that hasn’t changed—but my hips used to have more of a flare. It would help if I ate regular meals. I fold my discarded clothes and place them in the closet. Moving back to the front door, I check the locks, turning the handle a few times and pulling.
“Door locked.” I leave the kitchen light on and go back to the bedroom, shutting and locking the door.
I leave the bathroom light on but shut the door halfway, and then stand at the end of the bed, chewing on my nails.
I look over my shoulder as if someone is watching and shake my head. No one will know.