Page 98 of Trusting Her Bear
“No,” I whisper.
“Not what you pictured, huh?” she asks me. “My name is Rachel. You will be happy to know your mate refused my offer to join us. He is under the impression that he needs you. I have ways to break the need, but he is stubborn.” She paces in front of Heath, and with every pass, she looks at me with wild eyes.
“Why? Why would he?” My confusion is massive. How could she do this to him?
“It’s pointless to go over it—he said no.” She looks at Quinn. “What are you going to do, son? You have friends. Powerful friends. I can smell their magic. I’ve never met a dragon before; it’s a shame those beautiful men are bonded.” I watch in amazement as a puff of smoke shoots out of Penny’s mouth.
“Try it,” Penny snarls. Bishop yanks her back, his arm banding across her waist.
Rachel eyes Heath. “What are you?”
“You don’t want to know,” Heath responds.
“I really do.” She narrows her eyes. “My spies have neglected to include them in their reports,” she says, looking over her shoulder.
I study the line of shifters behind her. I can smell wolves, lions, coyotes, and a bear. Most of them have the same angry expression she does, but a few are shifting nervously. I would too, if I was faced with the line of friends we have gathered. Everyone was willing to come except Ryker. He regretted missing out on a fight, but his mate and new baby take precedence over everyone. All the others were eager to be here, willing to protect Quinn and the world they had built in this place. Bash couldn’t convince Marie to stay at the house, and I couldn’t talk Gabby out of coming, too. She argued that she was a bear and was Quinn’s family now. She made good points.
I push at the arm around my waist, with no luck. At least it isn’t skin-to-skin contact; that would be even more painful. With Micah’s strength, it doesn't take much to keep me in place.
“We got a runner,” River hums. I follow the direction he’s looking and watch one of the twitchy shifters making a run for it.
“Fucking coward,” Rachel shouts at his back. His departure causes a few of the others to inch back. “Don’t move,” she warns them.
“You aren’t going to win,” Quinn says.
“This isn’t about winning,” she yells.
“What is it about?” The question pops out before I can stop it.
“It’s about creating a better world,” she says. “Wouldn’t it be nice to make your own choices? The bond takes that away. I could help empower you.” She comes closer, and Quinn and Heath move with her. “What if you could be free of the mating bond? You could be like me. Free. I was foolish to think Quinn would join me, but you can.” I swing my eyes to Quinn. “Don’t look at him,” she bites out. “Look at me. You don’t have to depend on him to make your decision. He’s already controlling you, your emotions, and your body, and soon every bit of your mind will be his. Don’t you crave a life without a mate?” She puts her palms together, her fingertips touching her chin.
I study her face. It feels like the forest is holding its breath.
“Mom,” Quinn says through gritted teeth.
“Let her answer.” She looks at me with wide eyes. “Just like that. He doesn’t want you to have a mind of your own.”
“Micah, let me go,” I say firmly. “I need to stand on my feet.” Surprisingly, he does. I rub my stomach and step sideways, closer to Quinn, but without Heath blocking my path to his mom. “No.”
“No?” Her eyes narrow. I know I am throwing the match in an already dangerous situation, but I can’t help it.
“The only way Quinn controls me is in a fun way, and I have no complaints.” I hear several snorts. “The bond doesn’t control me, and he has always given me a choice. I would never become like you because I think it’s sad.” She jerks back. “You are sad,” I stress. “You left a family who loved you to become a true monster. They loved you, and you couldn’t give that back. That’s sad. I don’t enjoy killing people, so I couldn’t be like you. I don’t know what happened inside of you that broke all the good things, but I would never wish that.” I look at Quinn quickly and then back to his mom. “You left an amazing man. He’s patient and kind and will do anything for his friends, even when they have no idea he is behind it. The bond is beautiful.
“The universe knows everything you need in a partner and delivers them. It’s magic and a miracle to be so close to someone. I would never leave your son, no matter what promises you make. I hope someday, wherever you end up, you feel shame, not only for the way you left them but for the cuts you inflicted on your son today. You aren’t a mother. He doesn’t need a woman like you in his life in any way.”
Her lip curls. “He brainwashed you.”
“Hardly. He set me free,” I sneer, leaning forward. “Yes, I was trapped in a cage. I need to thank the asshole who drew that. Quinn allowed me to be anything I needed to be.”
“You're useless, too,” she says. She signals to her crew. “Are you ready to die, Quinn?” Her claws shoot out of the hand not holding the knife.
Everything happens in an instant but not. I see the men behind her start to run forward, several of them shifting in the air. I hear River let out a whoop, running to meet them, along with most of them. In the next minute, I see Rachel lunging for Quinn, her purpose obvious. In the chaos, I sprint away from Micah, intent on protecting my mate.
I hit his chest, shielding his body with mine, his cursing ringing in my ears. I look back at the knife coming toward my head, but it never connects. Quinn raises his arm to block it and, at the same time, spins me with the flick of his wrist quickly so I am five steps behind his back.
I cry out when I see the knife sticking out of Quinn’s forearm, his mother's hand still clasping the handle.
“Die. Die. Die,” she chants. The venom in her voice brings tears to my eyes.