Page 59 of His Vicious Vow
A frown appears. “Whether Bianca likes it or not is of no consequence. I like the changes. It’s less sterile. It almost feels like a home.”
His phone rings, with only a pause he answers.
I’m trying not to listen but he doesn’t lower his voice as he discusses a problem with one of their buyers not picking up their normal purchase of cocaine.
When the SUV stops in the parking garage Sandro is still on the phone. Bobby opens my door for me. “Your thumbprint is in the system. Just press it against the scanner and press the button for the penthouse.”
I follow his directions aware he watches until the elevator doors close. When the doors I sag against the wall. Closing my eyes I sigh at how much I wish I had said something more, something else to keep him talking.
It’s been six days since my last appointment. I blink and I miss Sandro once and twice I’m in the kitchen sipping tea when he comes home in the morning. Both times he simply nods at me before continuing to his bedroom, moving so fast I barely have time to think of something to say before he’s gone again.
Unfortunately I encounter Bianca more, and the bitch is now up to nine broken cups. I hate her. Not because of her hissing at me and breaking my cups but because she isn’t wrong in her hatred of me. Sandro isn’t home because he doesn’t want to be around me.
The day of my second therapy appointment I spent most of the appointment wondering if the mange I’ve been working on is going to see the light of day and if I’m good enough—maybe I should stick to reading manga instead of creating it. While Ruth is supportive I leave with no clearer thoughts than when I arrived.
Bobby is there, opening the door for me. My stomach flips a thousand times as I get inside. The sight of Sandro has me bursting into tears of relief. It’s wrong, so very wrong to take advantage of his kindness by clinging to him when he wraps his arms around me and holds me close.
“It’s all right, piccolina. Everything is going to be all right. I promise.” He whispers to me in Italian.
I cry harder. How could it be when I want more from him than he has to give? Could he ever love me? Sandro picks me up and cuddles me in his lap. I’m in heaven and I never want to leave. Except gradually the tears begin to die.
Sandro pulls back to look down at me. He has a handkerchief in his hand and begins cleaning me up. “Would you like to talk about it?”
Coward that I am I shake my head. “I’m sorry. I just, it was a lot. I shouldn’t have cried all over you.”
“Of course you should have. If you need anything at all you ask me and I’ll give it to you.”
I think of the gifts that appear outside my door every few days. There was a platinum emerald and diamond necklace with matching earrings, a pair of chandelier diamond earrings, a brand new laptop with all the bells and whistles that cost more than three thousand dollars. And I hated every single gift. Every expensive gift felt like a nail in my coffin of stupidity for joking about picking him because he’s rich.
We’re stopped. Bobby opens the door. Sandro slides out with me still in his arms carrying me as if it was no big deal. He doesn’t even breathe heavy all the way upstairs. I lay my head on his shoulder almost giddy with pleasure at being in his arms again.
Sandro sits down on the sofa, setting me down in his lap again. “I want there to be no hesitation for you in calling me if you need me. You have my cell phone number, if you need me for anything you call me.”
I nod. “I will.” I promise him. Even though I won’t.
Bianca appears. “Sandro, it’s been forever since I saw you. Come on, let’s have an early dinner. I’m craving queso from the food truck.”
His phone rings. He answers and it’s clearly important. I climb out of his lap. Pressing his phone to his chest he says to Bianca. “I can’t. I apologize, things have been hectic and will likely be for the next few weeks. But remember tomorrow night you’re here for the dinner before our wedding on Saturday.” He runs his free hand down my back. “I might be busy but if you need me, you call me. Work doesn’t come before you.” My chest twists at how sincere he is.
“Okay.” Comes out in a whisper.
“Are you okay to have dinner with me, Luca and Bella? I can tell them you need an early night.”
“I’ll be good. I would really like to see Bella again before everything gets hectic on Friday with Celia coming in. Eight o’clock, I’ll be ready.” I’m quick to assure him.
Running a hand over my cheek he nods. “I’ll see you at eight.” Then he’s gone again.
“It’s your fault he doesn’t sleep more than a handful of hours and why he’s never here. I wish he’d never brought you here.” Bianca hisses at me before storming away.
* * *
The moment my phone rang I resented the fuck out of it. Carina finally in my arms, the way she burrowed into me—it was what I’ve longed for since the day we left Italy.