Page 75 of His Vicious Vow
Eyes down he exhales slowly. “It wasn’t like that.”
“What was it like then? My best friend fucking my little sister. Emphasis on little. She’s seventeen years too young. The only reason why I’m not going to kill you is because if I do she’ll never forgive—”
“I’m pregnant.” Bianca spits the words out. Letting go of his hand she steps closer to me. “And it’s my fault. I took advantage of him. He was being nice.”
I scoff.
“He was exhausted. I was in his bed. I’m the one who started it.”
“It’s been since I was in Chicago?” Rage fills me.
Gaetano takes her hand in his. “I married her. I’m not letting her go.”
Fucking hell.
By marrying her already he made me either an enemy of my own sister’s husband and my second or strengthened our tie. There would be no in between.
Running my eyes over them, I see what I haven’t seen in forever—Gaetano sought her touch. He still has her hand in his. I remember a night we both were looking to blow off steam. Wanting an easy lay I suggested the strip club the Outfit ran. He wasn’t interested. We were both drunk enough when I asked, why not? He said he didn’t like being touched and strippers were too handsy.
“Do you want me to leave the family?” The question comes through gritted teeth.
I shake my head. “What I want is for you to treat my sister the way she deserves. You knew my mother’s greatest wish and my promise to her was Bianca not marry into the mafia. The least you can do is help me keep the other promise to her that Bianca will not know the pain this life can bring.”
Before I say something I can’t take back I walk away. In the elevator on the way upstairs I receive a text from Paul, my VP and the reason I had to walk tonight. He’s going to be out for at least a week, he apologizes.
Sighing, I respond it’s fine. Even though it sure as fuck isn’t. I finally felt like things were calm and I didn’t need to spend eighteen hours a day working between mafia business and the hotel. With his being out I’ll be lucky if it’s only eighteen hours a day.
As I enter the penthouse I find Carina is not only already in her room she’s asleep since the sound machine she needs to sleep is on. Despite exhaustion my mind won’t shut off. While I resent the fuck out of Paul being out for a week I’m looking forward to spending time with Carina.
As badly as I would rather spend time alone with her, I also didn’t trust myself not to break my promise to wait until she asked for my touch. Especially not when she is smiling and happy the way she was tonight. She genuinely enjoyed herself. Maybe the week would be a good thing for us—as a couple.
Maybe if I took more time to show her…she could learn to trust me. Although Carina clearly enjoyed walking with me it was while we ate and talked at the end when she glowed. Her beautiful smile barely left her face.
I see now I fucked up. I told myself staying away from Carina was for her, to give her space until she wanted me of her own free will. It’s all bullshit. Fear I would either lose control or pressure her drove me away. With any other woman keeping my hands off them was easy but Carina turned me into something I didn’t recognize. When it came to what she needed I should have manned the fuck up and dug deep for control.
With Paul being out for a week I’ll have a way of spending time with her. Walking the property, in a crowd of people I might be able to keep my hands off her.
When Sandro leaves me at the doors for the fourth night in the row I fight the urge to scream. But I don’t manage to keep from almost slamming my door. My husband is a fucking tease. A week of feeling like he’s actually my husband. His smiles, laughter, and attention were a better high than any gummy in the world could be.
Every morning we had an early lunch for him and breakfast for me before our walk. Every evening we ended in the restaurant. We talked about everything from our childhoods to favorite movies. Each day is better than the one before it. If only the nights didn’t end with him not making a move at all.
To top it off he said he needs to contact Paul to find out when he’ll be back. It was supposed to be a week. Does this mean tomorrow is our last day?
Kiki whines for attention. Feeling guilty, I scoop her up for cuddles.
As I fall asleep almost two hours later I do it with anxiety of what happens after Paul comes back.
* * *
For the first time this week Sandro isn’t waiting when I come out of my room. I check my phone in case I missed a text from him or Natasha telling me he was running late. Maybe it’s my anxiety from last night that has me going down to his office. I’m aware of where his office is in the hotel but I’ve never been in it. Sandro had one end of the floor and the other end is Paul’s office with their assistants outside their office with a shared waiting room.
Natasha isn’t at her desk, neither is Paul’s assistant. The door to Sandro’s office is opened by maybe an inch, it isn’t until I’m right in front of it I can tell it isn’t closed all the way. I push the door open, figuring I’ll text Sandro I’m here waiting.