Page 86 of His Vicious Vow
He chuckles. “You’re so fucking sexy when you demand what you want.”
Looking back at him over my shoulder I stick my ass out further. “In that case I need a spanking and your hand around my throat. Please.”
“I will never deny you what you need. There is nothing hotter than my good girl being dirty.” The slap of his hand to my mound already swollen and coated with desire is loud in the room and tears a moan from me. Another slap is followed my two on each cheek of my ass then another to my pussy.
“Sandro, I need you. I need you to fuck me so hard.” I beg him.
He slams into me with so much force it sends me into the covers with a scream. “You’re enough to break my cock my dirty, sexy wife. You look so fucking sweet and innocent. Yet you beg for my cock and come with the dirtiest fucking mouth. Watching my come seep from your pussy down your legs is the hottest thing I’ve seen then you beg for more and I could come without touching my cock.”
Sandro is up on his knees and pulls me up to mine. His hand is around my throat, his other arm is around my chest under my breasts holding me in place. I cling to the around around my chest as he pounds his cock into me.
“Harder, please fuck me harder.” I’m close so fucking close.
A growl vibrates from his chest into me. “Whatever my dear wife wants.”
Yes, yes, so perfect I’m so close then it happens, I fall down far so far and break the surface into the waves of pleasure. I fight not close my eyes and drift alone. Sandro is almost there. I grip him tight from inside causing another growl from him.
“Don’t you dare pull out. I need you inside me, not just your come.” I moan.
His answer is my name in a near roar as he comes inside me filling me full the way I begged him.
He holds me close as he brings us down on the mattress. “It might be thirty years of children.” He mutters with hand covering our daughter.
“Perfect.” I sigh as I slip into sleep.
* * *
“Cassandra isn’t coming to Vegas. The ‘help’ Cassandra thinks she will provide is nothing more than stress to Carina.” I inform Carlo.
His silence speaks volumes, this is women business. The same way women are not to be involved in mafia business we don’t get into their business. There are hierarchies for them, the same as us that they need to follow. It is our responsibility to ensure our women are aware of them, beyond that we stay out of it. Us having this discussion should not be happening. If Cassandra, as the woman of the Don offers assistance in any way to any woman it should be accepted with a grin and bear it attitude. To not do so is considered an offence to his woman. An offence to his woman is an offence to him.
“This is unacceptable. Cassandra has been looking forward to this for months. She has a right to know her granddaughter. I’m not putting up with Carina hurting her mother by being an ungrateful brat. She’s also causing herself harm. A cesarian is a bitch to recover from. How will she do it on her own? Carina needs Cassandra, whether she wants to admit it or not.” Every word is bitten, chewed, before being spit out at me.
“I will take care of Carina and our daughter. We have already hired a nanny who is willing to put in twelve hour days for the first eight weeks and ten hour days until we don’t need them anymore. There is also a nurse who will be coming in to keep an eye on Carina for the day.” Both the nanny and the nurse were a cause for an argument.
I ended the argument by informing Carina it was happening so get the fuck over it. She could help me pick the nurse and nanny or put up with whoever I hired. While I wanted to spend every hour of the day with my wife after she goes through the ordeal of birth by cesarian the painful fact was I couldn’t. Mafia business is running as smoothly as it was before Luca left, everyone is happy, making money, and content with how I run things. Especially since it’s not any different from when Luca did.
It pained me to no end the doctor scheduled Carina for a cesarian in two weeks. However our daughter is head down now at thirty-six weeks with her cord around her neck. Thank fuck for the 3d ultrasound. My fears for our daughter’s life were allayed when it confirmed the doctor’s explanation, while the cord is around her throat with a protective coating and all the blood in the cord kept it from hurting our daughter. There was also no need for concern she wasn’t getting everything she needed. She is growing at expectation and is healthy.
While I wanted to be the one to care for Carina, her discomfort at the prospect hurt that she would think I would see her differently, in the light what I won’t do is deny her what she wants. And what she doesn’t want. That includes Cassandra in our home for six seeks or even one week after our daughter is born.
Carlo scoffs. “A woman needs her mother. Cassandra is coming.”
“Carina needed a mother for twenty-two years, she never got one. She got her grandmother and her sister. In the fucking week of me being there while she struggled with the change in her life Cassandra had once last chance. Any kindness, a word of encouragement everything would work out would have helped. Cassandra didn’t give it then so Carina so Carina doesn’t need it now. Carina needs me, she has me. If Cassandra comes to Vegas, she can stay in the property but she won’t get within hundred feet of my wife. Plan accordingly.” I end the call. There’s nothing more to be said.
The air leaves me slowly. I close my eyes as I wonder what his response will be. It could be anything from a hit on my income to a beating, in the past Gianni Moretti killed anyone who caused him the slightest offense. Carlo isn’t one for killing, because he’s too much of a wimp when it comes to death he doesn’t like doing it himself. And men in the Outfit didn’t have a lot of respect when it came to pawning off death to soldiers—every once in a while was understandable but every time was considered a show of weakness. There was also no way he’d kill me. Between how well Vegas is running and who the hell would replace me, he’s too lazy to kill me.
Whatever it is, I’ll take it. Anything for Carina to back to looking forward to our daughter arriving instead of dreading it. When she got the call two weeks ago she told Cassandra bluntly not to come. However, it seems the woman refuses to listen and keeps calling Carina with plans and questions. I was unaware of the issue until I came home yesterday to Carina yelling at Cassandra on the phone.
She finally told me why she’d been so melancholy over the last week. I knew something was wrong but my bad girl refused to tell me instead pleading for me to make love to her. It frustrated me that she wouldn’t talk to me on her own about what was bothering her.
As if I conjured her up Carina knocks on the door to my office timidly. I’m in my office in our home to be more available to her. “Come in.”
“Are you busy?” Her green eyes are hopeful.
“No, piccolina, you need me?”