Page 17 of Romancing Rem'eb
“I am going to dine with my father, and then I will retire early.”
“Very well.”
“So I can make up for the time I lost today. With the fishing. I am not on patrol until the waters recede again.”
Now he and his son are both staring at me. Perhaps I am offering too much information. I groan, clutching at my stomach dramatically, and then head off to my father’s dwelling once more. Instead of greeting my father, however, I turn and head straight for the kitchens, where the chief’s attendant prepares his meals so he can concentrate on ruling. I make a tray of food for Tia, and Cas’zor says nothing over the fact that I take roasted slices of juicy meat, the most tasty mushrooms, and another piece of fruit. He must know why I am here, stealing from my father’s pantry.
How many others know, I wonder. Tia is less safe by the moment.
I return to the storage building, stepping inside quickly as the guard waits outside. Tia is inside, curled up on the sleeping mat, the tube of moss set near her sleep pallet. She sits up when I enter, her eyes wide.
“Ykam bakk,” she says.
“I told you I would return,” I say, guessing at her words. Her tone is surprised, and for some reason, that bothers me. “I do not lie to you, Tia the Stranger.” I make my tone stiff even though I want nothing more than to fall to my knees in front of her and place my head in her lap. I want to hold her close until she resonates. I want to caress her all over and drink in her scent.
A small smile curves her mouth and she gestures that I should sit down.
I do, even though I am conflicted. I should take her back to her people. I should tell the others of my father’s plotting. I should stay here at her side all night, so resonance can happen.
If it will happen.
How have things gotten so complicated in such a short time?
“I cannot stay long,” I tell her, even as I fold my legs and move to sit across from her. “But I wanted to make sure you had food and were comfortable. And I want to learn more of your words.”
She smiles at me and gestures at something in the corner of the room, talking her nonsense singsong words. I obediently look over, and as I turn back toward her, I catch a quick glimpse of her hand moving. The small fruit-cutting knife I put on the tray is gone, no doubt snatched up by my stranger. I suspected she might try something like that, and I am not upset. If she needs a weapon to feel safer, it is understandable. I would do the same in her situation.
So I say nothing and instead offer her a piece of fruit, hoping for the chance to suck on her fingertips again.
She picks through the meat and nibbles on one slice, her gaze locked on me. “R’jaal?”
My spine stiffens. I hate that he is the first thing she asks for. “I do not know where your suitor is. My concern has been solely for your safety.”
Tia reaches out to touch my knee, her fingers light. “Pls, Rem’eb? Frmee?”
“I have brought you food. I wanted to see you settled tonight,” I say. “I wish I could stay, but I cannot. I have so many questions to ask you. Instead, I am being commanded to keep my regular duties so nothing seems amiss. If the rebels hear that one of the above strangers resides here…I fear what will happen.”
They could think she is cursed and try to kill her. Unlikely. Far more likely that they think she should be returned to her people above and I am not ready for that.
“We must keep your existence secret,” I say firmly. The tense connection I had with her earlier feels as if it has vanished entirely. Did I imagine the sensation between us? Am I just so desperate to have a mate that I am pushing myself upon her?
Tia finishes chewing and pushes the tray aside. When I offer her a slice of fruit, she shakes her head. “R’jaal?” she asks, her voice sweet and full of longing as she watches me. “Pls?”
I flatten my mouth with displeasure. If I hunt down Kin’far the Exile and find out where he’s hidden the stranger and his new female, I will have to abandon the rest of my time with Tia tonight. If I return too late to the village and slip into my home, one of the guards that walk the streets will notice. They will ask questions. They will follow me to see where I’m going. For now, they think I am spending time with my father, but Bel’eb the Mighty does not entertain visitors late. Not even his son.
But one look over at Tia and I know I cannot refuse her anything. The look on her face is full of concern. “Very well. Eat your food. I will return for your tray in the morning with new food and news of your suitor.”
She makes a sound that might be relief and impulsively leans forward and presses her lips to my cheek.
I jerk back in surprise, and she does, too.
We stare at each other, and I touch my cheek where I can still feel the graze of her lips. That was a happy gesture, I think, but my people do not show our gratitude in the same manner. And yet…I hunger for her to do so again. “Will you do that once more? When I return and have earned it?”
Tia nods, her eyes wide.
“You have found the one incentive that will send me out to hunt for your suitor,” I tell her with a rueful last touch to my cheek. Then I get to my feet. “I must go. I will return at low tide. My father’s guards will ensure you are safe. You need not be afraid, I promise you. They will not enter.”
You are for me alone. I do not say it aloud, but I suspect she will be able to read it in my gaze.