Page 42 of Romancing Rem'eb
Tia murmurs more words I cannot understand, but words do not matter in this moment. I run a hand up her flank, caressing her backside through the clothing even as I rub my jaw along the swells of her breasts. “My beautiful one.”
She hums in her throat, a sound of pleasure, and her hand steals under the furs on my lap. Tia goes immediately to my cock, stroking it through the layers of clothing. Even though it is not a direct touch, I feel it all through my body, making my frill engorge.
Tia turns my head and nips my ear with her small teeth, making me gasp. It is as if she has decided to pleasure me right here, and I wonder if she is going to crawl into my lap so we can mate. The thought makes me groan, and I rock my hips against her hand, encouraging her to keep touching me. “My mate. My perfect, lovely mate.”
She moves her mouth to mine, her hand pressing along the ridge of my cock through my clothing. Then, she kisses the tip of my nose.
And straightens. Smiles.
And walks back inside the cave.
I laugh.
Tia is showing her boldness to me. She is showing me that she is no longer my captive, and that she does not bend to my will…or that of my khui. That this will be a game between us—a push and pull to see who gets what they want first. She plans on teasing me until I am obsessed with her.
I’m impressed.
I did not know what to expect from a female, if I am being truthful. I have only seen them in glimpses when one was allowed to stay briefly with a mate if resonance was taking too long to fulfill. I have seen Noj’me the Attendant, of course, but she dwells with the Oracle, not with the village. Being around Tia has taught me that she is just as clever and brave as any male. She knows what she wants and she has a plan to get it.
My esteem for her grows by the day.
Truly, if this is to be a battle between us, then I look forward to it. If Tia plans on teasing me into declaring that I will remain at her side forever before she gives in…I will enjoy myself immensely.
I will also plan on seducing my pretty mate, too. If she gives in before I have made promises of any kind, we can fulfill resonance and then I will be free to return to my people. I do not like the thought of winning this particular battle, but I must. If things are left to the rebels and my father, they will never get any better for anyone. My father needs me at his side, and I need to be the voice of reason before he fractures our people further.
I cannot give in to Tia’s caresses. Enjoy them, yes. Give in, no.
With a heavy sigh, I adjust my aching cock. There will be no resonance fulfillment any time soon. It is just as well. I do not want to claim my mate with the entire cave of people listening to our every grunt. We need to be alone. We need time to come to our senses in regards to each other.
I need time to seduce her into wanting me beyond all reason.
So…I must wait. I have waited this long to resonate. Surely I can wait a few more days before claiming Tia.
The ache in my cock tells me that it is going to feel like a very, very long few days.
A few days later
“Oh my god. You’re back!” Angie rushes in to give me a hug, juggling a toddler as she does. Glory holds onto her mother’s leg, sucking her thumb and giving me an uncertain look as we embrace. “I was so worried! We all were!”
“We had help escaping,” I reassure Angie, surprised and pleased at our return welcome.
She makes a terrified sound. “Escaping? Escaping what?”
Another person gives me an encouraging pat on the back as they walk past. One of Strong-Arm. Huh. This is nothing like when I came back from Croatoan over a week ago. Then, I’d gotten off the dragon’s back, flung myself dramatically into I’rec’s arms (because I do love a good entrance) only to find out that I’d just kissed someone else’s mate.
Fucking awful. Fucking nightmare.
But this time it’s different. This time I’m hugged by everyone. They’re so relieved to see me and R’jaal return, and they’re not even all that fazed by the fact that we’ve brought several of the ancestors with us—Noj’me the Attendant, Tal’nef the Swiftest, Set’nef the Wanderer, and my poor, sweet Rem’eb the Fist, standing at the back of the group and resonating to me. That his chest sings for me even as he marvels at the ocean roaring in the background, and even more at the suns that shine overhead.
Angie squeezes me tightly again as the tribe of leather-and-fur-wearing Icehome families surge around us. I’m patted on the shoulder and welcomed home by people that rarely talked to me before, and it’s obvious that everyone’s relieved we’re back safe. “Everyone was so worried,” Angie says again. “And to think you brought back more people! Are they more clones?”
I pull out of her embrace. “More clones?”