Page 58 of Romancing Rem'eb
“Aaaah,” Noj’me says. “She wishes for you to agree with her.”
“Agree,” Rem’eb says, puzzled. “Over what?”
I’m starting to think we’d be better off without a translator. Noj’me’s grasp of our language is decent, but she gets just as much wrong as she does right, because she doesn’t understand slang or idioms. “We exchange things we want,” I say, trying again. I take one of Rem’eb’s free hands in mine and clasp it tight. I avoid eye contact, because if I look him in the eye, it distracts me and I need to focus. “You want resonance. I will do that if you go somewhere with me temporarily. It won’t be for forever, but it’s important.”
“Wait, too many words at once,” Noj’me says, looking frustrated. “You speak words different than the others.”
Right, because I can’t quite repeat some of the sounds the sa-khui make when I speak their language. No wonder she struggles to follow along. I focus on Rem’eb instead and start over. “We have been holding off on resonance.” When Noj’me repeats my words more or less correctly, I continue. “It’s not because I don’t like you. I like you too much. It hurts to think about you leaving once we have resonated and made a child. Have you changed your mind?”
Noj’me translates, and when she finishes, Rem’eb sighs heavily. His hand squeezes mine. “I cannot change my mind, my Tia. My people need a better leader. I fear what will happen if someone does not step in.”
I nod, trying not to feel disappointment. Of course I was hoping he’d feel different after being together for the last week, but it’s too much to hope for. He’s known them all his life, and me just a few short weeks. Why would I be important enough for him to abandon everything? He’s important to them.
Even though the answer is expected, it still hurts.
“Then I will join you in bed, and we’ll make a baby. But I want you to do something for me. I want you to take a journey to the Ancestors’ Ship with me. I want you to get the language lasered into your head. I want us to be able to talk. Really talk without any confusion, any interpreters. After that, I won’t hold you if you have to go.”
Noj’me translates as best she can, but she gets the point across, more or less. They both get confused when I mention the “language dump,” as Georgie calls it. It takes a bit of explaining for them before I settle upon telling Rem’eb and Noj’me that the “Oracle” of our people will provide learning to them at a very quick pace.
“It will be a journey of several days, and it will have to be after we have fulfilled resonance,” I admit. I don’t think I can travel far feeling the way I am.
“I do not mind a bit longer,” Rem’eb says. “I will take our time together and be grateful.”
Grateful. I smile thinly. I guess I can be grateful too, right? Or I can try.
“I will come as well,” Noj’me says eagerly. “Set’nef the Wanderer and Tal’nef the Swiftest will wish to come, too.”
Suuuuper. But I can’t exactly say no. If they plan on staying above with everyone else—and from what I can tell, the brothers don’t intend to go back, and Noj’me wants to stay and learn a while but plans to go back later. They all need a translator chip or the language dump if they’re going to be able to communicate. It’d be the height of selfishness for me to insist Rem’eb and I go alone, no matter how much I might want that. “Of course.”
“And perhaps some of the clones and taters,” Noj’me continues, chattering happily. “This is exciting!”
Rem’eb just watches me. His hand goes to my knee and he rubs it, and I swear, even through leather, his touch burns me. “Are you all right with this deal?”
“It’s the only choice I have, isn’t it?” I whisper.
Noj’me leans in, a hand to her ear. “I miss your words. Speak again?”
“I said yes, I am happy,” I say louder.
We can’t keep going on like this, after all. And if I vomit out everything I’m feeling to Rem’eb and it changes nothing? Then it was never meant to be anyhow.
Noj’me claps her hands. “I will speak to Colleen and the other clones. Perhaps they will enjoy a journey. Surely they want to see more of this world.” She pauses, thinking. “What about the dragon man?”
I pry my gaze from Rem’eb’s, trying to concentrate on her excited words. “Ashtar? No, I don’t think he’ll come.” If it was a smaller group, I might suggest that Ashtar fly us to the Ancestors’ Ship. It’d be far quicker. But Ashtar has been wary around the ancestors ever since Rem’eb started asking questions about healers. I think he worries that someone’s going to get it in their head to steal Veronica, and since Ashtar can be quite destructive, I think it’s best to keep the two groups separate. “No Ashtar. Just Rem’eb and Tia.”
“Rem’eb and Tia,” Rem’eb agrees, the hand on my back skimming over my spine. It’s like we’re alone together in that moment, and I can’t take my eyes off of him. I ache with how badly I want him. Need him. “When do you want to start, my Tia?”
Start? He must mean him and I…when do we want to try to make a baby?
No sense in waiting any longer, I decide. I take his hand from my knee, lift it to my lips, and kiss his fingertips. “Now.”
Iforget all about Noj’me as I kiss Rem’eb’s hand, the very fist that he’s named for. His scent carries on the air, and I can’t define it as anything specific…just him. Just perfect. I kiss his knuckles again, gazing up at him.