Page 33 of Sebastian's Secret
“Do you have any questions?” His soft, taunting tone lured her back to the then and there, to his devastating cheek bones and hypnotizing eyes.
“Questions?” She blinked, as if it was an unreasonable thing to ask.
“Hmmm.” Smiling, his fingertips floated over her face. “You are so beautiful.”
Oh, fuck. Was it getting hot in his Ferrari, or was it only her?
“No, sir,” she breathed. “No questions.”
“Good.” Burying his fingers in her hair, his digits tightened around her tresses. “Let’s go inside.”
Electricity sparked as Sebastian took her hand and led her inside the house. It charged the air as he closed the door behind her and guided her into the lounge, goading his already swollen cock.
“Here.” Pointing to the sheepskin rug that sat beside the fireplace, his heart beat even faster as she fell delicately to her knees.
Pride thrummed through him at her compliance. She’d listened and she’d chosen to obey. Rebecca must seriously need the spanking. The thought was enthralling because he needed it, as well. He couldn’t even recall the last time he’d felt the sting in the palm of his hand, but he knew for sure it was with someone he had craved less than he did her.
Moving to the hearth, he collected fresh logs from the basket and started the fire. Sebastian rarely used this place anymore, preferring to spend time at the lodge with Balthazar, and its sleek confines were cold. That would have to change before he exposed and blistered Rebecca’s ass. Standing over the growing flame, he was glad he still paid a team to keep the house tidy and clean. They brought new firewood and filled the vases with flowers. The interior was flawless.
“It should warm up soon,” he said, turning to survey her. As instructed, her gaze was fixed on the rug by her knees, the curtain of her red hair covering most of her face.
“Thank you, sir.”
Sebastian’s balls contracted at her submissive tone. Rebecca had shown glimpses of it at the hotel, but nothing that resembled the kneeling woman now before him. “What would you like to drink, little girl?”
Her gaze flitted to his, the gesture revealing her deepened blush. Fuck, she was incredible, all the more wonderful now that she’d agreed to surrender to his palm. “What do you have, sir?”
Wandering to the nearby dresser, he switched on the inner display light and signaled to the well-stocked alcohol collection. “Pretty much anything.”
“Okay.” Her giggle was nervous. “Gin and tonic, please.”
“You got it,” Sebastian replied, setting to work on his damsel’s request.
He considered joining her, but decided it was better to keep a clear head, especially as he’d be driving. Walking quickly to the kitchen, he poured two glasses of water, returning and placing them both with her gin.
“Would you like a sip before we begin?” Peering over his shoulder, he found Rebecca precisely where she should be, and was amazed at her obedience. This was a very well-hidden part of her personality.
“Dutch courage, sir?”
“Something like that.” The sizzle of excitement surged again, overwhelming his senses until he drained half of the water.
“Yes, please.” Her reply was breathy, ratcheting up the tension knotting in his body.
“Here.” Collecting her glass, he closed the distance between them, towering over her as one trembling hand reached for her gin. “Not too much,” he cautioned. “Inebriation won’t help you.”
She flashed him a guilty glance, suggesting that had previously been her route of choice. Certainly, they had both sunk too much alcohol during their previous encounter. It wasn’t a mistake he’d be making again.
“Thank you.” Handing back the glass, she cleared her throat, chest rising and falling as she nibbled her lower lip. It seemed to be a habit she chose when she was nervous or stuck for words.
“Of course.” Stroking her soft tresses back from her face, he locked gazes with her. “Do you still want this, little girl?”
Every fiber of Sebastian hoped that she did, but he wouldn’t proceed without her consent. Her eyes widened at the name he’d devised for her, and he noticed how her pupils enlarged. She liked it, then?
“Yes, sir.” There was no hesitation, proving officially that she was perfect.