Page 54 of Sebastian's Secret
She chose Sebastian.
Not because she was a weak woman who was bound to submit to his will, but because Sebastian inspired the trust she required to let go and revel in her hunger. She wanted him, yearned for him to put out the flames burning at her clit, ached to have him inside her again.
“So, you weren’t pleasuring yourself to spite me?” His lips twitched as he buried his digits in her hair, his fingers tightening until her breathing accelerated.
“No, sir.” Christ, was that her breathless tone? Rebecca barely recognized herself.
“And you didn’t realize that I’d be unhappy if I found you splayed out on my bed with your fingers burning at your sex?” His stare bored into her, daring her to defy him on this one critical point.
“Well,” she began, heart racing as she grappled with how to justify her actions. “I suppose I suspected that you might be.”
Shit, had she just admitted that she had plowed on with her pursuit of pleasure, regardless of his view?
“But there was no malice in it,” she added quickly, wincing as he fisted her hair even harder.
“I believe you,” he assured her, beckoning her on to his lap.
She went, not only at the insistence of his fingers, but because she wanted to. The goading desire inside instructing that she must take the chance for intimacy, to get him hard and ride him for both of their pleasures. “I believe that you didn’t intend to hurt me, little girl, but I do think that you also knew what you were doing blurred the lines of the accord we’d reached.”
What was she supposed to say to that?
“Hmmm?” he prompted, his free hand squeezing her tender backside.
“Maybe,” she confessed, relishing the sting of pain as it ignited.
“I think your maybe is really a yes, sir.” His lips skimmed over her mouth. “Don’t you?”
Fuck, he was torturing her with the promise of his sensuality, but worse was the fact she was so easily ceding. She hankered for it so badly it was difficult to focus on anything else.
“Maybe.” She giggled despite the flash of hurt as his fingers stiffened in her tresses. Somehow, she couldn’t bring herself to admit that she’d played and lost, she’d been happy to bring herself to a climax whatever the cost.
“You’re incorrigible,” he murmured, planting a tantalizing kiss at the side of her neck. “And I think you know it.”
“Yes, sir.” That was easier to confess.
“I think you also know what it will earn you, little girl.” His tone was serious as his face rose.
“Sir?” Rebecca could scarcely catch her breath, the intensity in his gaze threatening to pour fuel on her fire.
“I’m going to punish you.” His words were a sensual promise. “And you’re going to fucking love it.”
Chapter Twenty-Two
“Sebastian,” she whimpered.
She was the epitome of sin. There was no doubt in his mind; Rebecca had known precisely what she was doing, knew that he had forbidden her to climax without his assent, and knew the likely repercussions if and when he walked through the door. She was playing a good game, trying to persuade him of her innocence, and he did enjoy her performance, but he had been around the block one too many times to believe in it. Her attempts at coyness would get her nowhere, although he did find them charming.
“Are you angry with me?” Her dazzling eyes flashed with trepidation, a sign that there was concern beneath the façade.
“No.” He could put her mind at ease about that much. “Of course not, beautiful.” Pressing his lips to hers, he hoped the caress conveyed his intent. “I will never admonish you in anger. That’s not the man I am.”
It was a promise he was determined to keep. Based on what little she had shared Rebecca had been exposed to much fury and accusation in her life. He would not add to her quota.
“And I’m mindful that we don’t know each other well, but if you feel the way I do then…” Pausing, he stared into her eyes. “We know each other well enough…”
“You’re going to punish me for playing with myself?” There was no fear in her voice. In fact, Sebastian thought he had heard a trace of excitement, her latent consent to whatever came next.