Page 72 of Balthazar's Fire
“And I will,” he reiterated. “Until you want more.”
Exerting a little pressure, Balthazar tipped her hips back, creating the right angle to impale her.
“Ready?” His brown eyes burned into her, their intensity giving her no chance of a reprieve.
“Yes.” She squeaked the reply only seconds before he pushed inside, the tip of his dick splintering her sense of reason.
‘You’re too big!’
The words bounded into her head as she tensed and tried to force him out. “You won’t fit, sir.”
‘Breathe.’ His instruction exploded into her mind.
“Stop fighting me, Cherie,” he urged. “Just concentrate on your breath and look at me.”
His voice was steadying, his eyes the anchor she needed as he lunged another few inches into her ass.
“Oh. My. God.”
Mouthing the words, Cherie wasn’t sure if she wanted to laugh or cry. That one small movement had placed Balthazar at the center of her entire universe. She was so full, his cock pinioning her into place as he gradually withdrew.
“Good, pet,” he enthused, slowly gliding back inside. “You feel astonishing.”
As she acclimatized to the unusual sense of possession, she acknowledged how much she concurred. Having him there was incredible, as was the feeling of surrender with her hands still bound behind her head as he delved deeper. His body skimmed over her clit with every lunge, providing the perfect friction as he went.
“Oh, yes.”
There were no complaints now, only sublime repletion as her eyes closed and she welcomed his intrusion.
“I said, look at me.” Balthazar leaned closer, his breath warm on her cheek when her eyes flew open. Pressing her thighs back to her ears, his hips slowed, lodging his dick deep inside her. “That’s better.”
“Sir.” A swell of unexpected emotion rose as their gazes locked. “Don’t stop.”
“I want to capture this moment.” His voice was softer, his lips lowering to graze her mouth. “Want to remember you just as you are now.”
“And I want you to fuck my ass, sir.” She grinned at her audacity, gasping as he withdrew and slammed quickly back inside.
“Be careful, little pet,” he warned playfully as he filled her up. “You might just get everything you’ve ever wished for.”
Chapter Twenty-Five
Craning her neck toward the sky, Cherie shrieked as the gigantic purple beast swooped overhead. Enormous, powerful, and breathtakingly beautiful, he glided through the air, putting on an awe-inspiring show. The fact that the creature was actually her lover should have been beyond comprehension, but Cherie had seen him shift with her own two eyes. She was there the moment his handsome face changed into the long snout of the dragon, his skin turning from tanned to the bright violet that now swept through the sky, and she couldn’t deny what she knew to be true.
Hearing her cry, the dragon turned in her direction, diving through the atmosphere on his return. She couldn’t halt her hammering heart as Balthazar landed on the nearby peak, nor deny how breathtaking he was as his claws gripped the rocks, sending loose ice and earth tumbling to their fate.
She shook her head with feigned disbelief, gripping the winter coat he’d loaned her tighter around her body. It was Balthazar, all right. The man who’d mastered her, saved her, and taken her under his wing in more ways than one. He stood proudly on the mountain top, casting an eye over her.
If it were possible for a dragon to grin, she swore she saw his lips curl in an upward trajectory. He could hear her, then?
Of course. She smiled. He can even hear my thoughts!
Despite the violent mountain breeze and the distance between them, Balthazar’s heightened senses meant that he still heard her call.
Pinioning her with the weight of his intense, golden gaze, he nodded before turning away from her. Huddling in his coat, she looked on as he lifted his snout into the air and let out an enormous, thunderous roar. The noise was deafening, and acting on instinct, she cowered, falling to her knees as her hands rose to cover her ears, but what came next staggered her.