Page 14 of Cole's Command
Cole blew out a breath, remembering the other critical detail that had been derived from Cherie’s abduction. Monroe, it seemed, was more than just another guy in a Versace suit living off Daddy’s money. When he’d taken Cherie, he morphed into a monster with two heads, revealing the biggest secret that none of the Vaughns had discovered until that moment—they weren’t the only shifters in town.
The Monroes, apparently, were shifters as well, able to change into chimeras and use their brute force to enact their will. That had been news to them all. Even Michael hadn’t been aware of other paranormal creatures so close to home. It was as shocking as it was disturbing.
“I haven’t.” Draco’s eyebrow cocked. “But then, the useless fucker always gave me a wide berth, anyway.”
Cole chuckled at that. Draco was always a challenge, but he had the drollest sense of humor of any of them, and Cole realized suddenly that he’d missed his brother.
With their father’s vast fortune and the loss of their mother at such a young age, none of them had experienced a so-called normal childhood. It had meant the brothers were closer than most siblings, a relationship that Michael’s death had only heightened. If they spent too much time together, any one of the other three could drive Cole insane, but he loved them all, and knew instinctively that he would lay down his life to protect them.
That’s another topic for therapy.
His lips curled at the notion, his mind traveling immediately to his new therapist, Eden. Her name was ideal. Cole couldn’t remember seeing such an enthralling woman before, and he’d never had such a productive counseling session. Finally, he’d been able to let down his guard and open up. Granted, it was only the tip of the iceberg, but he was relieved and excited to discover that tip all the same. It meant hope; a chance of releasing all the crap that stopped him moving forward.
So, it’s nothing to do with how hot she is, then?
His grin widened at his shrewd internal analysis. Okay, it might have something to do with her appeal, but it wasn’t only that. Cole had felt a tug to her practice well before he’d set eyes on her beauty. She had a way about her that appealed to him. She set him at ease.
“What?” Draco leaned forward, his gaze narrowing as he noticed his brother’s expression. “What’s so amusing?”
“Nothing.” Cole definitely wasn’t ready to tell Draco about Eden. If he picked up any scent of Cole’s interest in the woman, Cole would never hear the end of it. He’d learned that lesson the hard way. “I was just imagining Monroe trying to take you on.”
“Right.” The dragon flashed in Draco’s blue eyes. “He wouldn’t stand a chance, and he knows it. It takes more than two heads to defeat me.”
“I’m not arguing with that.” Cole was more than happy to stroke his brother’s ego to deflect attention from his real focus, and anyway, it was true. Draco was a vicious fighter and was more capable in a brawl than any of them. Their father had always lovingly said he was the most like their mother, but honestly, Cole could scarcely remember what she had been like. “I’m sure you can beat him.”
“For sure.” Satisfied, Draco nodded. “I’m not Balthazar!”
“What about Balthazar?”
Cole turned to find his eldest brother in the hallway, his brow rising as he entered the living room.
“Something I need to know?” Balthazar added.
“How long has he been here?” Draco demanded, his gaze sliding from Balthazar back to Cole. “Did you know he was here?”
“Balthazar’s car was parked up by the hut.” Cole shrugged. “So, yeah, I assumed he and Cherie were here somewhere.”
“Somewhere?” Draco’s tone was sardonic as Balthazar stepped forward. “Been busy in the bedroom, have we?”
“Jealousy will get you nowhere, Draco,” Balthazar quipped.
“Jealous?” Draco practically spat out the word. “Of what?” His glare passed between his brothers. “Sex, you mean? You think I don’t get laid?”
“I don’t give a shit if you get laid.” Balthazar’s gratified grin conveyed everything he wanted them to know. Cole couldn’t remember seeing his older brother so content. “Not everything’s about sex, Draco.”
“Dear gods.” Draco snorted with disgust. “You sound like Dad.”
“How is Cherie doing?” Cole asked, keen to play referee between his spatting siblings. “Had any more run-ins with Monroe?”
“No.” Balthazar’s jaw tightened. “I won’t let that low-life anywhere near her, but he’s still out there somewhere, and she’s scared.”
“Scared?” Draco rolled his eyes. “Why? She has a big bad dragon to protect her now.”
“Oh, I don’t know,” Balthazar’s voice oozed with sarcasm as he leaned over Draco’s seat. “Perhaps being introduced to the idea of shape-shifters when her boss morphed into a two-headed beast and ran off with her down a mountain had something to do with her anxiety.”
“Women.” Draco tutted. “They’re so flimsy! That’s why you’ll never see me getting tied down with one.”
“I think you’re being a little unfair, Draco,” Cole offered, growing weary of their tussle for power. “None of us had seen a chimera until that night.”