Page 2 of Cole's Command
I could keep her.
It sounded like Draco’s voice pinballing in his brain—an association Cole made because Draco was the wildest of his three brothers—but Cole couldn’t blame the thought on his sibling. Deep down, Cole knew it was his own selfish desire speaking, the part of him that could easily capture and keep a woman just like the one sitting beside him. The part that he actively fought to keep leashed.
No. His grip on the fine crystal tightened with the assertion. No, I can’t.
I could, the plaguing voice went on. Only the cab driver saw the two of us together, and even if he recalled her after all of the people he saw tonight, I bet he could be paid off.
It was true Cole’s family wealth meant he had access to more money than most people would ever see in one lifetime, and in his experience, there were few people who couldn’t be bribed with it.
“Being here.”
His attention flew back to the blonde as she finally answered him. He’d been so lost in the lunacy of his thoughts that he’d almost forgotten she still hadn’t replied.
“I’m sorry,” she started. “I know I gave you the impression that I wanted more, and I think I did at Indigo, but like I said, this headache has come on fast and...”
Typical. The snide voice in his head was unremorseful. Typical woman. She gives me the ‘come on’ all night, expecting me to buy her drinks and throw her compliments, but in the end, the answer’s no.
He placed his glass down by his feet, trying to clear his head, but as he straightened, he realized the blonde was still speaking. Her lips were moving, but Cole wasn’t processing anything she was saying. The ferocity of his internal monologue was growing, and all of his focus was required to extinguish the shadowy thoughts before they awakened the beast stirring inside him.
I say keep her. Cole swore he could hear glee in its nasty tone as the voice nudged him farther down a path he could never return from. Sure, Draco was a rule-breaker, but Cole couldn’t imagine his brother had ever considered a plan as dark as this. If he had, Draco had certainly never shared the fantasy with Cole. Keep her and take her as your own.
But, she doesn’t want me. Glancing away, he realized he was effectively having a debate with himself about the rights and wrongs of kidnapping. That’s what she’s trying to tell me.
He looked back to her, acknowledging that she’d finally stopped talking.
“Let me call you a cab.” He rose from his place and strode to the door, deciding the best place to be was away from her until he could get himself together. “I’ll make sure you get home safely.”
“Thank you,” she called back from the sofa. “I appreciate how kind you’re being about this.”
“No problem.”
Digging into his pocket, he tugged out his phone and flicked through his contacts, searching for the private chauffeur company his family used. That was the best thing to do—keep everything on the record. If he used the Vaughn’s usual drivers then he’d be accountable for making sure she got home safe and sound.
Idiot. He stiffened at the malicious tone, his fingers pausing over the number he wanted. If you let her walk out of here without giving you what she owes you, then you’re a bloody idiot. His finger hovered over the contact as the tirade continued. You know what to do and you have the means to do it. You have stacks of rope and a lovely gag until she settles and accepts her place.
“Stop it,” he muttered, walking into the hall so she couldn’t hear him.
I doubt it will take long. You know how good she’s going to be once she’s choking around your cock.
His balls clenched at the alluring prospect. If there was one thing guaranteed to get him hard it was the sight and sound of a woman struggling around his erection.
“Fuck.” Reaching for the wall, he steadied himself, aware that she was only sitting in the next room and was probably watching everything he was doing.
“Are you okay?” she asked, her voice tentative. “I can get my own cab. It’s no problem.”
“No, it’s fine,” he insisted, blowing out a breath as he turned and met her gaze. Leaning against the wall, he hit the call button and forced the phone to his ear before he could change his mind.
“Mr. Vaughn?” The voice of Connor, one of the regulars at the premium car company answered him. “Do you need a car?” At this time?
Connor never articulated the final three words, but Cole could hear them in his tone.
“Yes,” he replied. “I need one for a friend, please, as soon as you can.”
“Of course.” Connor paused, presumably searching for the fastest option. “I have your address, but what’s the destination, sir?”
“Hang on,” Cole told him, walking back toward the blonde. “I’ll pass the phone and let her give you the details herself.”
Better that I don’t know. Handing her the device, he collected his drink and moved intentionally out of the room. I can’t act on what I don’t know.