Page 29 of Cole's Command
“Yes.” He pressed his lips together. “I was young.”
“I’m sorry.” Her condolences were heartfelt. She knew how it felt to lose a parent. “Do you think you struggled with your father’s terms more than your brothers?”
“No.” His gaze locked with hers again, his scrutiny once again unsettling. Cole’s concentration seemed to be able to burn straight into her soul, and for the second time since they’d met, she had the distinct impression that he knew what she was thinking. “They’re all older than I am, but none of them handled it any better.”
“You were obviously mature for your age then.”
His lips twitched at her assertion. “Were?” he queried. “I like to think I still am.”
“Well, I’m sure you are,” she started, aware of how her thundering heart was making it difficult to think. She hadn’t intended for him to take her words and twist them, but her frantic answer had sounded almost sexual.
Stop over-analyzing. The thought grounded her. That’s not what you meant, and he realizes that.
“I only mean one might expect the youngest sibling to be the least mature.” Placing her hand on the desk, she met the intensity of his gaze. “But evidently that’s not the case with your family.” Nice recovery.
“Yes.” His lips curled as he glanced away, his expression suggesting the suppression of laughter, although she was sure nothing she’d said could be misconstrued as comical. They were discussing the passing of his parents and the effect of his father’s contract. There was little amusing content in that mix. “I think that’s fair.”
“How did you feel about your father’s contractual demand?” She directed the discussion back to where it should be.
“I didn’t understand it.” He glanced out of the window. “I still don’t to be honest. I can see the value of marriage, but I don’t agree our inheritance should be hinged on it.”
Eden was inclined to agree, but Cole wasn’t paying her for her opinions. “But you agreed to your father’s terms nonetheless?”
“I did.” His gaze was almost sad as he looked her way. “In the end, I reasoned that I’d probably want to marry one day, and I didn’t want to lose my relationship with my dad over money. Don’t get me wrong, I like the lifestyle it affords me, but there are more important things, and he was one. I signed to preserve that.”
“And your brothers?” Eden delved, keen to discover more about the fracture he’d mentioned. “Did they also sign?”
“Eventually.” Cole’s dark eyebrow arched. “Although they weren’t particularly happy about it, especially Sebastian.”
“But there were bad feelings?”
“You could say that.” He sniffed at the memory. “Let’s just say, a couple of my brothers could use a few sessions with you. Not that I’m suggesting that to them, though.” He grinned. “I want you all to myself, Dr. Lewis.”
‘Well...” Shifting in her chair, she fought the cheer that wanted to rise from her throat. Professional, her inner voice dictated. Stay professional. Even as her lips parted to speak, she knew she’d failed. “You have me, Cole. For the next hour at least.”
Time protracted as he held her gaze, his incredible green eyes conveying that same perceptive sense that he knew precisely what was on her mind.
“Actually, it’s a quarter to five.” His brow rose as he motioned to the expensive-looking watch on his wrist. “Our session is almost over, Dr. Lewis.”
Brow furrowing, she checked the time for herself, struggling to believe how fast the session seemed to have flown. They hadn’t discussed that much, had they? Swallowing, she struggled to recap what they’d covered, deciding that although some progress had been made regarding his family history, it didn’t seem significant enough to have lasted the best part of an hour. Obviously, all those lingering glances had lasted longer than she cared to admit, and she hadn’t filled all of the silences with smart and inspiring questions.
“I’m afraid so.” He leaned closer, “and I arrived early, so, technically I’m exploiting you as it is.”
“Exploiting me?” Why was that such an alluring idea? “I wouldn’t say that, Cole.” She sensed heat rising in her cheeks, her throat drying as she realized just how inappropriately she must be coming across to her client.
“Oh?” Tilting his head at her, he threw Eden what could only be described as the most mischievous smile she’d ever seen. “What would you call it then?”
Well? Her subconscious demanded. I got myself into this. What do I call it?
“You have lots to tell me, that’s all,” she replied at length, wondering how many minutes had passed where all she could do was sit awkwardly in heated silence. Too fucking many. “You need another appointment.”
“I do.”
She was sure he edged closer as he replied. “That’s no problem,” she told him, desperate to cling onto what little integrity she still had. “We still have ten minutes left of the session, but I can make one for you after that. When suits you?”
His smile grew as his mouth parted to speak, and as she looked more closely, she could have sworn she saw something wild in his gaze; something she’d not noticed before until that moment.