Page 31 of Cole's Command
Impromptu session? Fuck. Is she trying to turn me on?
“Absolutely.” Stretching back in his chair, he liked where this was going. Not only could he have more time with Eden, but he could do so ‘after hours,’ without the potential disruption of the ever-attentive Joe. “He needn’t stay. I’m sure you can look after me.”
For a second, Cole wasn’t sure if he’d gone too far. The flicker in her gaze spoke of shock rather than desire, of indignation instead of passion, but he needn’t have worried. As ever, Eden’s thoughts revealed the things her veneer could not convey, and they were coming in hard and fast.
Is he inferring what I think he’s inferring? Maybe he knows I haven’t been able to get him off of my mind, but how—I haven’t given him a single sign, have I?
Poor Eden. She had his sympathy as she squirmed in her chair. Usually, Cole found the two-way telepathy he shared with family exhausting, but sitting there he wished he could conjure it with her and reassure her she wasn’t going mad. The feelings stirring between them were real and the only reason he was so able to garner her thoughts was due to his unique dragon-shifter blood.
“Of course, I can.” She recovered well, offering him a beautiful smile as she reached for her office phone. “Just let me tell Joe to go at his usual time.”
“No problem.” He watched as she pressed the appropriate button and waited for her assistant to answer.
“Joe?” A pause as he replied, and then a furtive glance in Cole’s direction. “Mr. Vaughn will be staying for another appointment.”
Cole imagined what Joe’s response would be. Would he be perturbed, intrigued, or envious of the change of plan? It was obvious to Cole that Joe had designs on Eden himself.
“No, there’s no need for you to stay,” she went on, her focus flitting to the phone as if it was responsible for whatever Joe had said. “Leave at your usual time. We’ll arrange the necessary admin tomorrow.” Her free hand collected an expensive-looking fountain pen as she spoke, twisting it between her long fingers. “No, I insist. I’ll see you tomorrow. Good night, Joe.”
Placing down the receiver, she dropped the pen, her attention returning to Cole.
“Problem?” he asked, sensing Joe had offered resistance.
“No problem.” Her voice was filled with conviction. “I’m all yours for another hour.”
Dear gods. Maybe she could read his mind, after all? “Perfect, thank you for making the arrangements.”
“I like to think I go out of my way for my clients,” she told him. Especially the ones as good-looking as you, Cole.
“Well, I appreciate that,” he replied. “I think we’ve made progress, but there’s more I’d like to tell you.” And do to you.
He still wasn’t clear how he was going to turn the sizzling fantasy of Eden into the reality his aching cock so desperately yearned for. He knew he shouldn’t pursue her. Eden was his therapist and at least ten years his senior, but as he smiled at her he was certain of one thing: it was going to happen. Cole had spent enough time pondering the concept and all he’d been able to conclude was that he had to have her. He couldn’t get her out of his head, and experience had taught him there was only one way to do so. He would have Eden on her knees. The only question was when it would happen.
“Please, go ahead,” she encouraged, sipping at her glass of water. He watched as her supple lips opened to receive the glass, wishing for the first time in his life that he could morph into that vessel and pour liquid into her mouth. A swell of silence filled the office as she swallowed down her water. “Do you want to talk more about your father?”
“He’s been a big influence in my life,” Cole admitted.
“That’s normal,” she replied, placing down the glass. He noticed it was still practically full, which suggested her motivation for picking it up in the first place wasn’t thirst. “Our parents tend to shape us.”
Her gaze darted to a frame on her desk, her thoughts confirming what Cole wasn’t able to discern. A picture of someone she cared about was in that frame. Honing in on Eden, he was able to hear her thoughts again.
Just like you, Dad.
Following her eyes, he stared at the back of the photo frame, wondering who her father was and what effect he’d had on her.
“Can you relate?” He pushed her on the point.
“Yes.” Her large brown eyes were melancholy, but as she turned back to him her tone hardened. “I can, but we’re not here to talk about me, are we, Cole?”
Wow. He arched a brow at the way she snapped. I didn’t see the snarky version of Eden coming out to play. “That’s true.” Listening to her thoughts, he tried to understand what had caused the snipe.
Shit. I shouldn’t have spoken to him that way. Being defensive won’t help. I bet he’s bloody confused now.
“I’m sorry.” Her eyes fluttered closed briefly as she apologized. “I shouldn’t have spoken to you that way. I’d just prefer to keep the conversation about you.”
“Understood.” He laughed gently. “I guess you’re used to being the one asking the questions.”
“Right.” Her expression softened. “But that’s no excuse for the way I just spoke to you.”