Page 4 of Cole's Command
Suppressing the ball of nerves clenching in his stomach, Cole turned and wandered inside the mirrored cubicle of the elevator. Selecting the twenty-second floor, he glanced at his reflection as the silver doors slid shut behind him.
At only twenty-four years of age, Cole was the youngest of the four Vaughn brothers, but the recent string of late nights he’d enjoyed hinted at a much older man. The knotting unease inside him contracted as he stared at his face. He’d been burning the candle at both ends, helping his family during the day while clubbing and attempting to satisfy his proclivities at night. In the past he’d been able to get away with being a night owl, but for the first time in his life he started to consider the consequences.
“I need a decent night’s sleep,” he muttered, turning to check his profile. “Either that, or I’ve just been spending too much time with Balthazar.”
Shaking his head, Cole chuckled at the thought. His eldest brother was more than ten years Cole’s senior and ever since Balthazar had fallen for his new lover, Cherie, he’d become more and more of an old man, choosing curtains for the bedroom and hosting dinner parties.
That’s not happening to me.
Resolve echoed in his head as the elevator chimed to indicate his arrival, and spinning to face the opening doors, he stepped out into the elegant corridor. The breathtaking vista before him captured his attention, the cityscape visible in just about every direction he looked. Walking toward the spectacular scene, he took in the chic furniture offered around the light and airy space. The Vaughn family business had its share of luxurious office space, but he couldn’t recall ever seeing anything as impressive as this before.
“Mr. Vaughn?”
Cole’s heart sped up at the male voice, and glancing around, he noticed the enormous desk beside the elevator. The man behind the desk looked amused, but he stood as Cole approached, thrusting out his palm. “You’re here for Dr. Lewis’ ten o’clock appointment?”
“Yes.” Cole shook his outstretched hand. Studying the guy, Cole decided he must be a similar age to him as he took his seat behind the desk.
“Good morning. I’m Joe, her assistant.” Joe’s lips twisted into a smirk. “She’s aware you’re here, sir. She’ll only be a couple of minutes, but feel free to take a seat or just enjoy the view.”
“Thanks.” Cole had the distinct impression that Lewis’ assistant was mocking him, but he pushed down the desire to bite. The guy in the cheap suit was irrelevant. Cole was there because he needed help. “It’s certainly an inspiring panorama.”
“Yes.” Joe nodded as Cole turned and wandered past the coffee table full of glossy magazines. “I’m lucky to get to enjoy it every day.”
“Have you worked here long?”
Cole didn’t know why he was asking. It wasn’t like he cared or had a particular need to make small talk in these types of awkward social situations, but as he absorbed the cityscape behind the plush couches, he realized he might be intrigued. He had been to scores of luxury offices with work or in pursuit of a decent therapist, but few had male receptionists. He wondered why a man Joe’s age would be interested in a role that was so heavily female-dominated.
“Just over six months,” came the reply, Joe’s tone suggesting that Cole wasn’t the first client who’d approached with the same line of questioning. “Are you wondering why I want the job?”
Cole’s eyebrow arched as he spun to face Joe. He hadn’t expected Joe’s direct approach. “I guess so,” he admitted. “No offense.”
“None taken.” Joe shrugged. “It’s a common inquiry from other guys. Especially those who are our age, but I like the job, the company is on the rise, and Dr. Lewis is an awesome boss.”
“Fantastic,” Cole replied, unsure whether he meant it or not.
As a Vaughn, there had never been a question of whether or not he’d get hired elsewhere. The family had a profitable business and there was an unspoken rule that all of Michael’s children would contribute in some way or another. After their father’s death, it had been Balthazar who’d taken the lead, and as the eldest, nobody had questioned his decision, but as the years progressed, Sebastian had also taken on more responsibility, while Draco had dodged any invitation to do so. Cole, for his part, had been finishing his studies, but with his degree completed, he had started to think about how he wanted to spend his career. Glancing back at the view, he couldn’t decide if he could really see himself sitting behind a desk for the next forty years.
“Mr. Vaughn.”
The soft, melodic female tone stirred Cole from his thoughts, and turning his head, he looked at the woman standing in the doorway adjacent to Joe’s desk.
Dressed in a pinstriped pantsuit, she glanced at him before turning to Joe. Cole enjoyed the protracted pause to drink her in. If this was his therapist, Dr. Lewis was at least ten years younger than he’d expected her to be, her professional-looking suit doing little to disguise what was clearly an enticing figure hiding beneath it, while her cocoa-skin and large brown eyes were far more alluring than they had a right to be. Suddenly, Joe’s interest in the position fell into place and the young man’s enthusiasm made sense. Cole could understand the appeal of coming to work each day if every view was so desirable.
Stop it. Pulling in a breath, Cole chastised himself mentally. I want a psychotherapist. Nothing more.
“Yes, Dr. Lewis,” Joe confirmed with a smile. “Mr. Vaughn is your ten o’clock appointment.”
“Good morning.” Stepping toward her, Cole fought to keep his libido in check. He was there to work through his issues—the legacy of his father’s contract, plus his ever-increasing dark proclivities—not to bend Lewis over her desk. “Nice to meet you.” Extending his palm, he waited as her smaller hand met his and she offered a firm handshake.
“Mr. Vaughn.” Her gaze met his and she lifted her chin to take in the look of her new client. “Likewise.”
A moment of silence filled the space, where Cole was sure she’d hesitated to size him up, but he wasn’t complaining. Her delay enabled him to relish the look of her, as well, and even though he’d only just admonished his wayward imagination, he couldn’t help picture how the stunning Dr. Lewis would look out of those clothes and in his ropes.
“Joe, have you offered Mr. Vaughn a drink?” She cut through the growing tension with a cursory glance in her assistant’s direction.
“Not yet,” Joe confessed.
“I’ve only just arrived,” Cole intercepted, although he wasn’t sure why he felt the need to defend the guy.