Page 52 of Cole's Command
“You ran from me.” His stare drilled into her. “Forced my hand.”
“Like you’ve been forcing mine all day.” Fire burned in her chocolate-colored eyes. “How dare you do this!”
“How dare I?” Cole snorted. He understood why she was upset, but he had acted with nothing but care for her since they’d left the office. “I got you here safe and sound, whereas you were content to let me freeze to death out there with nothing on.”
Eden’s attention darted to his bare chest as though the accusation needed validation. “I was angry with you.” She stamped her foot. “I still am!”
“It seems your anger clouds your judgment, little girl.”
“What?” There’s that weird name again. Her head snapped up. “Why are you calling me that? I’m not a child.”
“It’s a good name for you.” His lips curled. “Sums up how delicate you seem to me when I shift.”
“Fuck you.” She was on her feet and ready to leave, but he caught her wrist.
“What did I tell you about being disrespectful?” Holding her still, he spun to face her.
“Oh, yeah.” She rolled back her shoulders, her tone dripping with insolence. “You’re going to spank me, aren’t you?”
Cole eyed her thoughtfully. Her thoughts revealed little but racing adrenaline and her never-ending rebellious streak. “I’m starting to think it’s what you want.” His tone was softer. “As well as what you so badly need.”
“You don’t know what I need.” She tried to yank her hand away, but Cole held tight. “You don’t know anything about me.”
“I know you’re scared right now.” He frowned at the realization. “As well as angry.”
“I am not scared!” she insisted, although as his fingers detected her racing pulse, Cole begged to differ.
“I know I intrigue you,” he went on, ignoring her denial. “And that I turn you on.”
“You are really full of shit,” she started. “One kiss doesn’t make you irresistible.”
“And I know that despite your best attempts to feign disgust, you’re secretly enthralled at the prospect of me spanking you.”
He didn’t know anything of the sort, but looming over her, Cole realized he was having fun. He was going to punish her delicious backside regardless of what she said, but things could be even more enticing if she yielded willingly.
“There’s no way.” She practically growled the words at him. “No way I’m letting you do that to me.”
“We both know you deserve it, little girl.” His balls throbbed at the way her new nickname sounded. “I brought you here to talk, but am more than happy to deal with your needs first.”
“Didn’t you hear me?” Brow creasing, she attempted to pull away again, failing just as she had the first time. “That’s not happening.”
“I heard you,” he confirmed, tugging her closer. “And the answer’s no. You’re going to get spanked whether you agree or not.”
“What?” she screeched, raising her foot and slamming it into his shin. Pain rocketed from the area, joined quickly by the discomfort he experienced as she dug her manicured nails into his skin. “You’re not doing this, Cole!”
“Fair enough.” He might have laughed at her predictable behavior, had his shin not smarted so much. “Have it your way.” He grabbed her second wrist with ease and dragged her back to the couch. Taking a seat, he demanded that she follow.
“No!” she yelled, trying her best to stay on her feet. “Stop this, Cole.”
“Too late.”
With one sharp tug, he finally pulled her to him, her eyes flashing with insubordination as he forced her down over his lap.