Page 74 of Cole's Command
“Yeah, I see that.” Draco’s tone was wry.
“It’s not an issue.” Eden glanced between the two of them. “Take five. I’ll wait in another room.”
“No,” Cole insisted. “We’ll go outside. The temperatures don’t really impact us.”
“Okay.” She nodded, returning to her seat. “Fine with me.”
“Help yourself to anything you need.” Cole gestured to the kitchen as he steered Draco to the door. “I won’t be long.”
“Thanks,” Eden called back as both brothers wandered out to the terrace.
“What’s this about, Draco?”
They were barely a few steps from the front door when the motion-activated lights illuminated and Cole stopped, folding his arms.
“I have other things I’d rather be doing.” Cole’s tone was full of recrimination.
“You told her about us, then?” Draco’s gaze drilled into his young brother, and his tone was just as pointed.
“What?” Cole’s brow furrowed.
“You mentioned we withstand the cold well.” Draco’s gaze slipped back to the interior. “Inferring that she knows we’re shifters.”
“Yeah, she knows.” Cole was suddenly defensive. “How else do you think she got up here?”
“How long have you known her?” Draco glanced back to Cole. “Five minutes?”
“Fuck you!” Cole spat. “Since when do you care?”
“I don’t.” Draco grinned. “I just think it’s amusing that you all give away our family secrets as soon as you’re getting decent sex.” His laughter filled the frigid air. “I mean, you are fucking her, right?”
“That’s none of your business.” Cole’s answer was little more than a snarl. “What do you want?”
“To know if you have any recommendations for lawyers.”
“What?” Cole’s rising brow suggested he had not seen Draco’s answer coming. “Why would I know lawyers? Balthazar’s the man who has those contacts.”
“Yeah, but Balthazar uses the family law firm.” Draco rolled his eyes. “I was looking for someone a little more dynamic.”
“You’re really pursuing this legal thing, huh?” Cole sounded surprised.
“Of course, I am.” Draco’s grin widened. “No contract is watertight, and I want out, but you know the others won’t understand.” ‘Balthazar has never understood me’. “That’s why I came to you.”
“Wow.” Cole pulled in a breath. “You’re serious.”
“Sorry, Draco, but I can’t help.” Cole shrugged. “I don’t know anyone.”
“Fair enough.” Draco ran his hands through his hair. “I’ll keep looking. So...” He edged closer. “Is this important?” He signaled to Eden. “This thing between you two.”
“It’s early to say.” Cole’s brow creased. “But I hope so. I really like her, Draco. She’s intelligent, shrewd, and sexy.”
“Where did you meet?” Draco glanced back into the living area, noticing that Eden had moved from her spot on the sofa.
“In therapy.” Cole’s curling lips conveyed that he realized what a cliché that was.
“Well, man,” Draco patted Cole on the back. “Good luck with it all. But I reckon you’ll have your hands full.”