Page 17 of Draco's Defiance
Draco communicated via telepathy with his brothers regularly, but he’d never experienced it before with any of his lovers.
“Because you are one.” He wanted her out of that suit and ideally on her knees. That was the ideal position to receive legal advice as far as he was concerned. “Compared to me, at least.”
She couldn’t argue that point. Even in her heels, Moira was almost a foot shorter than he was. Her diminutive stature was one of her many assets.
“And because you like it when I do,” he added. Before her intrusive thought, that had been a presumption on his part, but Draco had noticed the heat blossoming in her cheeks when he’d called her a good girl, earlier, and even now as she tried to counter him, her body betrayed her real desire. Her large, full pupils were one sign, as was the consistent rocking of her hips. But now he had the ultimate proof—he’d heard the admission in her head.
“How do you know that?” Her brows knitted as he tugged the jacket from her shoulders. She allowed it to fall to her wrists, creating an unintended, but perfect fetter as she continued to protest. “You can’t know that.”
“I’m right though, aren’t I?”
Moira was smoking hot, sprawled against his sofa with her suit disheveled and her hair wild and unkempt. The fiery look in her eyes was provocative, making it more and more likely that thoughts of the legal talk would be ditched altogether.
“Maybe.” A line appeared in her brow. “Although I don’t know why.”
“It doesn’t matter why.” He ran his palm along her thigh, hiking her skirt even higher around her middle. She struggled as he exposed her, but the arms of her jacket restrained her wonderfully. “You want me and I want you. What’s so complicated about that?”
The truth was that there was a hell of a lot of overlooked complexity in his statement, but Draco had no appetite to delve into that. Moira had piqued his curiosity, as well as his cock, and as much as he wanted out of his father’s ridiculous contract, he wanted into her even more.
“You make it sound easy.” She was breathless as his roaming hand squeezed her delectable backside. “But it’s not. We don’t know each other and I don’t have any contraception.”
“I have that covered.” He smirked at his quip, “and as for the former, what more do you need to know?” Easing the jacket free from her left arm, he guided her hand to his groin, brushing her long fingers over his excited manhood.
“You are incorrigible.” Catching her lip between her teeth, she took his lead, rubbing along the length of his shaft until he couldn’t help but groan.
“It has been said.” His response was a husky growl, his fingers dipping between her legs. Jeez, she smelled amazingly good. His heightened senses were often a liability, but being around Moira meant they were suddenly a blessing. He couldn’t wait to devour what lay between her thighs. “But not by anyone as beautiful as you. Do you know what I’d like to do?”
“Er, fuck me?” She threw her head back as his fingertips ran along the seam of her panties.
“Naturally.” He was going to explode if he didn’t have her soon, and yet a part of him still longed to take his time and relish every moment with the unexpected treasure he’d discovered at Berrunti’s. “But more than that.”
“More?” A glimmer of concern flickered in her gaze, as though she’d looked into his soul and seen the things he enjoyed.
What the hell does that mean?
His lips curled at her spiraling thoughts. “Oh, yes.”
He had her now, whatever she said. Her body silently begged for him, her damp panties the latest testament to her burgeoning need. The siren he’d unleashed from her pent-up bottle was his for the taking.
“So much more, Moira.”
“Like?” She leaned away from him, her chest rising and falling as she grappled for composure.
“Like you giving me precisely what I asked for.” Folding over her, he placed a chaste kiss on her heated cheek before rising and tugging her with him. Her jacket fell to a heap on the floor as she was compelled to follow.
“Where are we going?” She panted the question, her attention darting around the room as though she was looking for an escape route. Draco had news for her though. He’d given her every opportunity to change her mind, but now it was too late. There was no escape from the passion they created together. “What do you mean?”
“Don’t worry.” Suppressing his smile, he jerked her forward and onto the vast fur rug that was stretched out in front of the couches. “Just relax and do as you’re told.”
“As I’m told?”
What was that in her voice? Panic? He certainly hoped so. Few things got him harder than that edge of fear in a woman’s voice.
“I won’t ask for anything you won’t like or can’t achieve.” He was aiming to reassure, but her brow furrowed as the obvious query popped into her mind. Draco didn’t know her. How could he possibly know what she liked? Pretty little Moira wasn’t privy to the astonishing connection their attraction appeared to have manifested. She didn’t know he was now able to hear some of her thoughts.
“What do you want me to do?” Standing before him, she looked bolder than he remembered, more confident even than the woman who’d put Monroe in his place.
“I want you naked.” Draco worked hard to ensure the instruction wasn’t a growl. He didn’t want to frighten her too much yet.