Page 20 of Draco's Defiance
Fixing her with his stare, he tried to decide how he felt about that. Draco had always been aroused by a dose of fear, but there was something about this lady that had altered his mindset. He was surprised how easy the dynamic felt between them, how natural the conversation had been and how well she appeared to have slipped into her current state of submission.
She didn’t know him, after all. She knew nothing about him, yet she’d trusted, and kneeling before him now, she trusted him still. That was huge. Draco had known partners who’s played with him numerous times who wouldn’t have gotten to the point Moira was at without clarifying boundaries and safe words. Maybe that only illustrated her naivety? She was totally in his hands and yet seemed oblivious—even excited—about the prospect.
“Now, I want you to stop thinking and listen to the sound of my voice.”
“Yes, sir.” Her lips twitched at the instruction and she nodded as best she could with his hand still holding her head. “What are you going to do with me?”
It seemed rather late to be asking that question.
“Exactly as I promised.” He stroked her cheek with his thumb while his fingers remained lodged in her soft mane. “I’m going to screw you all around this place, but I want you to know that when we fuck, it’ll be me who’s in charge.”
“Okay.” A small smile painted her lips as if she secretly liked the idea but was too afraid to say. As though her thoughts sought to confirm the point, he heard them as they rattled through her head.
Oh, God. He’s so damn hot!
“Do you understand?” He wanted to be clear, to know she understood his expectations and was ready for what was to come. Namely, both of them.
“Yes, sir.”
I can’t believe this is happening!
“And do you agree?” He suppressed his smile at her enthusiasm, seeking to convey his serious intent at this of all instances.
“Yes.” Her gaze darted to the window. “But there’s so many windows. What if someone sees us?”
“Don’t worry, no one can see you from here.” And no one can hear you scream, either. He refrained from vocalizing the final line. “But first, I’m going to see how good you are with that pretty mouth.”
Smiling, her gaze fell to his groin. “No problem, sir.”
That was the right answer.
“Good girl.”
He released his eager cock, angling it toward her already parted lips. Her eyes closed as she took him in, her throat relaxing as the tip of his dick grazed the back of it. He lunged over and over, gratifying his need with her face and losing himself to the passion.
As he dove down her throat and reveled in the tears she blinked away, he was struck once again by her absolute faith in his actions. He could do anything to her at that moment. Could force her to the rug and screw her, could bind and promise to only release her once his needs had been met, and yet there she was. In fact, as his hedonism burgeoned, he had the distinct sense that the prevailing risk was part of the reason she was on her knees in the first place.
As bursts of pleasure sparked fireworks in his mind, his digits stiffened in her hair. She felt so good, the wet heat of her mouth the perfect appetizer for the feast to come.
Stop overthinking. He blew out a breath at his own verdict. Who cares why she’s here. Just enjoy her.
“Okay, little girl.” He pulled abruptly away, leaving a trail of saliva between them which fell to her knee. “Very nice. Let’s get this party started.”
Chapter Eight
STARTED? Blinking away the water his prick had provoked with its insistent thrusts, she could scarcely catch her breath. What did he think the last few minutes had been about if they weren’t starting the party?
Draco’s cock was even bigger than it had felt when she’d massaged it through his pants, and that was saying something. Taking him in her mouth had been far more challenging than she recalled the task being with the limited number of previous lovers she had. As far as she was concerned, proceedings were definitely underway.
“Up you get.” He beckoned to her with his index finger, holding out his hand to help her rise to her feet.
She clasped his hand as she complied, conscious of the drool making its way along her shin as she untangled her heels from her underwear.
“Are you okay?” The intensity in his blue eyes was so fierce it threatened to sweep her away.
“Yes, sir.”