Page 27 of Draco's Defiance
Her unspoken question filled the silence as time stretched out around them. “Because of the contract,” she concluded at length. “You asked me back because getting out of the contract is important to you.”
“You know that’s not the only reason.” His fingers tightened a fraction at her neck.
Surely, she understood that much? He hadn’t exactly been playing it cool in the last few days. The two of them had exchanged a near constant flurry of text messages morning, noon, and night. Frankly, their communication had been what had kept him going over the weekend. He might not yet have resolved the riddle of the hold she held over him, but neither of them had hidden their simmering passion for the other.
“I asked you here because I want you.” His hand shifted to the back of her head, cradling her as he went on. He noted the way she never once tried to break free from the intimate grasp.
“You mean you want to fuck me?” Her voice croaked with need.
“Yes.” Fuck, her lips looked absolutely appetizing as he gazed down at her. “But I want to know you, too.”
Too much. The warning burst into his mind. Definitely too much.
“Know me?” she gasped.
“That’s right.” Damn it. He was already too far down the rabbit hole to worry about the repercussions. “I want to keep you in my ivory tower and away from men like Monroe.”
She laughed, the sound nervous. “So, I can spend more time with a man like yourself?”
“That’s right,” he confirmed, although he acknowledged how much the words resonated like a command. “Much more time with me.”
Chapter Eleven
THIS WAS ALL HAPPENING so fast, the rush of emotions akin to being shoved from a cliff and freefalling without a parachute. Every reasoned and logical part of Moira’s mind clung to the hope that something would break her fall. That she’d wake up one day and not feel a surge of excitement at an incoming message from Draco.
It was her exhilaration that had seen her standing at his doorstep, briefcase in hand. It was also the reason she allowed him to hold her in the elevator, despite the fact she’d just implored him for space to operate with professional integrity. It didn’t seem to matter how much her legal reputation mattered as his fingers grazed her skin; the only thing she could think about was him. Wanting him. Longing for him in a primal way she never thought existed until the day they’d met.
“Would you like that?” His tone was knowing as he held her there, and captivated by the intensity of his gaze, she couldn’t recall any eyes being so blue before.
Briefly she remembered that they were still in the elevator, and that the doors hadn’t opened after they’d arrived at the correct floor, but the thought passed almost as fast as it had arrived, racing away like the incessant thrum of her heart.
There, on the tip of her tongue, were all the things she should say. ‘Yes, but I still have a job to do,’ or ‘maybe, we’ll see how things go...’ Those comments belonged to the woman she should have been; stronger and more resilient to his charms. In the end, though, there was only ever going to be one answer to his demanding stare.
“You know I would.” Of course, he did. No doubt that was why he asked, to fully cement how far down the rabbit hole she’d fallen, to illustrate how far from professional and ethical morality she’d swung.
“Good.” His face neared, promising the prospect of another sensual kiss like the ones they’d shared before. She almost groaned when his focus diverted to her cheek, his lips skimming her skin lightly. “Then let’s concentrate on the legal consult, and then I’ll devour you.”
He moved away, leaving her bereft as he turned to the elevator controls and ordered the doors to open. Head spinning, she peered at her bewildered expression in the glass. How on Earth had this happened? She’d gone from frustrated lawyer to deer in the headlights in a matter of days.
“Where do the other buttons go?” Signaling to the panel he stood by, she felt dazed as he glanced back at her.
“The bedrooms and the roof terrace.” The corners of his mouth curled. “Would you prefer to talk about the contract there?”
Her gaze crawled over his face, taking in his sharp profile and the wave of blond hair that constantly seemed to fall into his eyes. “Wherever you think is best, sir.”
“Now you’re just teasing.” He shook his head, scowling playfully as he held the doors open. “One moment you talk about professionalism and the next you say things like that.”
Was she teasing? Her brows knitted at the query. She’d hoped to be seductive, but the truth was that in spite of her very best intentions, should Draco have taken her to the bedroom, she doubted she’d have had the will to resist.
“Do you like being a tease, little girl?” Beckoning her forward with one hand, he waited until she was directly beside him before he yanked her against his hard body.
She went with a tiny yelp, gasping at the change of tack as she dropped the briefcase into his hall. “What? No, I just...”
“No, what?” One of his hands rose to her hair and fisted it roughly, forcing her back into his arms. Wincing at the sudden hurt, her heart sped up as she grappled for composure, trying to find her feet.
“Sir,” she hissed as finally, he relented and allowed her to stand upright. “I didn’t mean to tease.”