Page 38 of Draco's Defiance
“Sorry.” He mouthed the apology as grabbing his phone, he surveyed the identity of the caller. “It’s my brother. I should take this.”
“Sure.” Untangling herself from him, she gripped the cover around her and settled back on the sofa with her coffee. “Go ahead.”
Lifting the drink to her mouth, she watched as his perfectly formed ass wandered away.
“Sebastian?” As though he sensed her admiring scrutiny, he glanced over his shoulder as he answered the call, their gazes locking just long enough to inspire fresh heat at her face. “What’s up?”
A strained silence filled the room as Draco listened to whatever his brother—Sebastian—had to say. Moira couldn’t hear Sebastian’s words, but the elevated timbre of his voice through the phone suggested concern, or possibly even panic, as did Draco’s clipped response.
“Hang on, slow down, man. What happened to Rebecca?”
Draco turned, revealing his muscular form as he strode to one of the vast windows and listened to the reply. Moira’s gaze devoured the look of him hungrily, still struggling to believe that the handsome specimen on the phone was the same guy who’d just done all those sublime things to her.
I let him spank me! She had to look away as the memory bubbled to the surface. And worse than that, I loved it.
“That fucker again?” Draco’s growl dragged her focus back to him. Something about its resonance was animalistic and demanded her attention. “I had my own run-in with him this week.” His gaze flitted to her as he went on. “Yeah, nothing to worry about. I had no idea he was planning this. What do you want to do?”
His brow rose at Sebastian’s reaction. “Yeah, I get it, Sebastian. No need to shout.” The other man’s voice conveyed an urgency that twisted anxiety in her stomach.
She didn’t know Sebastian, or what had happened to upset him, but something was wrong.
“Yes, I’m in the city center, but I’m not exactly ready to entertain guests, Seb.”
Another pause followed where Draco listened to Sebastian’s reply, though his stiffening jaw conveyed how little he liked it.
“Hey, fuck you, Sebastian!” He turned to the window, though his scowl was still evident in the glass’ reflection. “If you want my help, then you’d better think about how you speak to me.”
She’d never seen this side of him before. The incident with Monroe at the bistro had revealed an element of his ferocity, but nothing like the obvious flare of fury that erupted in front of her now. She noted how if she should have been scared at the prospect of an angry Draco, then the unfolding version of her new lover was nothing but enthralling. She loved seeing the passion in him, and admired the way he stood up for himself. Of course, watching his spectacular body as he strutted around the room did no harm, either.
“Okay.” Draco sighed. “I’m just saying I already have a guest here.” He glanced back at her again, and if it were possible, his eyes revealed an even greater intensity than she’d seen previously. “And no, that’s not an option.”
She shifted in her place uncomfortably, instantly regretting the decision when her tender ass complained at the contact. Clearly, the two men were discussing her. Perhaps she should do the honorable thing and get dressed and leave? Whatever the call was about, it appeared to require his full attention.
“Yeah, it just isn’t.” Draco accentuated the final word, his free hand balling by his hip.
Her heart raced as she looked around to see where her clothes had been discarded. She wondered whether there’d ever be a time she could stay dressed in Draco’s presence. Assuming that he wanted to see her again.
“Because I said so, Seb,” he snapped. “Isn’t that enough?”
She was sure a low snarl escaped his throat at the caller’s answer. Her body responded to the noise in an oddly primal way, her nipples beading as she huddled the blanket closer. What was happening to her? Moira knew she’d never met a man like him before and she doubted she ever would again. Everything about Draco spoke of excited fascination, and the idea of leaving without him left a dull and empty void inside her.
“Because Rebecca’s not the only one with links to Monroe.” He hissed the explanation, and the way he turned his back told her how reticent he’d been to vocalize it.
Monroe? She swallowed at the name she’d been happy to forget. What did any of this have to do with that cretin?
“You heard what I said.” Draco inhaled. “I don’t mind helping, but things aren’t as simple as they were.” Spinning to face her, he met her eyes as he started to speak again. “You’re not the only one with someone to lose.”
Chapter Sixteen
“SOMEONE TO LOSE?” SEBASTIAN snorted, as though the concept was ludicrous. “What the fuck are you talking about, Draco? Your liaisons don’t last more than a few hours.”
“Yeah, well, not this time.”
Draco loathed his defensive tone, especially in front of the woman who’d captured so much of his focus, but he couldn’t help himself. He didn’t enjoy the fear and anger in his brother’s voice and a part of him wanted to help—and he would help—but not at any cost. For the first time in his self-absorbed life, he had someone else to think about. Someone who might be directly impacted by Sebastian’s demands.