Page 55 of Draco's Defiance
“I’m glad.” Christ, she wanted to kiss him. His lips looked so damn tempting. “Sir, can I ask something?”
“Of course.” His arms tightened around her a fraction. “You can always ask.”
“Will you kiss me?”
She nibbled at her lower lip, abruptly aware of her vulnerability. It wasn’t being naked or fettered that left her feeling exposed, but her strange sense of emotional attachment to the man keeping her warm. She shouldn’t want him as much as she did, and she surely shouldn’t put half so much faith in him, but it seemed, against her better judgment, that was precisely what she was doing.
“Sorry?” His twitching lips assured her that he’d definitely heard her plaintive plea. “Do you want to try that again, little girl?”
“Oh, yes.” She laughed gently, conscious of heat burning in her face as well as her ass. “Sorry. Please will you kiss me, sir?”
“That’s more like it.”
His snarl was softly spoken, but resonated through her body just the same. His blue eyes flashed with desire as his head lowered, his lips swooping for the brutal caress.
Chapter Twenty-Three
RACING TOWARD THE HOME Sebastian was sharing with Rebecca, Draco eased into sixth gear before he glanced quickly at Moira.
She seemed calm on the surface, her thoughts more guarded now that she not only realized he could hear them, but also since she’d regained her composure after the spanking.
The spanking.
His thoughts flitted back to the impromptu punishment he’d delivered in the guestroom. The strikes had certainly been harder than he’d have contemplated for such a fledgling relationship, but she’d seemed to understand why it was necessary. He couldn’t have her flying off the handle and going rogue. Not while Monroe was on the loose. The ferocity had been deliberate. He’d had to make her understand how important she’d become to him, and in the haze of the aftercare, she seemed to have comprehended his reasoning, even allowing him to rub soothing balm into her magnificent backside before he’d permitted her to dress.
Sitting in the passenger seat of his Ferrari though, her galloping heart still gave away her tension. She was nervous, but then, he could understand why. She’d only known him for a few days and suddenly, he was taking her to meet his brothers... He was nervous, too.
“Still want to do this?” His question cut through the air-conditioned interior.
Her lips curled. “Do I have a choice?”
“Good point.” His eyebrow arched. “I need to call Cole back. Figure out what’s going on with my brothers.”
“No problem.” She gestured at the Ferrari’s control panel. “I promise to be quiet.”
“Just as well,” he quipped. “Otherwise I’d have to gag you.”
“Gag me?” Her brow rose, but her hammering heart conveyed that the idea either secretly thrilled or horrified her.
“Maybe.” He winked at her. “If you’re good.”
“You’re irredeemable,” she muttered, turning away to hide her smile.
“You’re right. Call Cole mobile.” Draco chuckled as he gave the audible instruction, watching as the car connected to his younger brother’s phone. “We’ll talk more about that later.”
“Will we?” She turned back with a quiet laugh as the dialing tone rang out around the car.
“Oh, yes.” He met her eyes before Cole answered the call.
“Draco, there you are.” Cole sounded uptight. “I was starting to worry.”
“I’ve had some complications.” He offered the aforementioned complication a grin, resisting the urge to laugh at the way she rolled her eyes. Her fidgety movements suggested that Moira was struggling to find a comfortable seat on his expensive leather, but based on the current shade of her ass, she was lucky to be sitting at all. “I’m on my way to Sebastian’s place. What’s happening?”
“It’s a shitshow.” Cole sighed. “Monroe has made a threat against all the girls and Sebastian thinks we need to act.”
“What do you think?” Draco asked, genuinely interested in Cole’s answer.