Page 63 of Draco's Defiance
“Rebecca’s curled up in bed.” Sebastian had the air of a smug father as he strode back into the room and collapsed onto the sofa he’d shared with the redhead. “She’s exhausted after everything that’s happened.”
“And you’re okay with leaving her in the bedroom unprotected?” Draco hadn’t intended to sound so snappy, but his query was genuine. He wasn’t sure he’d have been so trusting given the recent lapses in security at this exact property.
“She’s fine,” Sebastian retorted, though Draco noticed the way he glanced reflexively back to the door. “I had the security upgraded on all of the doors and windows this morning. There are now sensors at every exit and I’ve readied the safe room. As and when Monroe arrives, our ladies will have somewhere secure to wait until we’ve dealt with him.”
Wow. Moira didn’t speak, presumably knowing Draco would hear her surprise. A safe room?
“Plus, we’ve trebled the number of men on security and they know who Monroe is now.” Balthazar’s gaze pierced Draco. “He won’t be getting past our guys again.”
“And the chimera?” Cole took the words out of Draco’s mouth. “How do they stop a two-headed beast?”
“There’s only one way to stop him.” Draco was resolved on that point. “He needs to be killed.”
“Draco!” Moira gasped at his side. “We’ve been through this.”
“There’s no choice.” Draco eyed his brothers. “The only way to eradicate the threat Monroe poses is to end him.”
“I don’t like it either, Moira, but I’ve come to think Draco might be right.” Cole’s tone was resigned. “You can’t reason with a guy like Monroe, and he’s made his intentions clear by the way he’s acted with you, Cherie, and Rebecca.”
“It’s still not right.” Moira shook her head, her body tensing beside Draco.
“We’re beyond right and wrong.” Balthazar sounded almost as downbeat as she did. “This is about keeping us, and the people we love, safe.”
See. Draco glanced her way, hoping that for once she could read his mind.
“I don’t advocate violence, but I concur.” Sebastian shrugged. “If he can treat his own sister with such coercion and violence, then he won’t think twice about using it on someone else. We have to stop him.”
“So, we all agree, then?” Draco hadn’t been expecting the conversation to be so seamless. Usually, at least he and Balthazar butted heads about how to handle things, but it seemed the risk of Monroe had been sufficient to sharpen his brother’s mind.
“I didn’t say that,” Balthazar countered, right on cue. “I can’t justify killing him, but I do understand your reasoning.”
“I don’t agree, either.” Moira’s hand recoiled as she straightened. “And as a lawyer, I’d have to advise against it.”
“You’re a lawyer?” Balthazar’s eyebrow arched as he processed the news and conveniently steered the subject away from the pressing matter of Monroe.
“That’s right.” Moira met Balthazar’s dark gaze. “So, I can’t sit by and watch you murder someone.”
“Self-defense.” Sebastian’s lips twitched. “Not murder.”
“Whatever.” Moira exhaled. “I won’t have it.”
“Then you’ll be gagged and tied up in our bedroom, little girl.” Just the thought was hardening Draco’s cock again. “I won’t let you stop us from doing what has to be done.”
“You’ll what?” Is he fucking serious? He can’t say those things in front of other people!
“You heard me.” The indignation in her tone surprised him. After her lesson earlier, Draco would have thought she’d comprehend how important her safety was to him. “And don’t think I won’t.”
“I see you guys have the same set-up as the rest of us.” Cole sniggered, his gaze falling to Eden who had just woken up on his lap.
“What set-up?” Moira’s brows knitted, her gaze scanning between Cole and Draco.
“Power exchange.” Draco’s tone was softer. He had no problem with taking control of any unruly behavior she was considering, but he didn’t want to punish her again that day. Her ass had no doubt had enough attention for the time being. “You know, little girls who do as they’re told.”
“What?” Her mouth dropped open as she turned back to Cole, inviting illicit thoughts about how he might fill the space. “You mean you and Eden are into this, too?”
“It turns out, I am.” Eden smiled lazily while Cole stroked her hair from her face. “I quite like being looked after for a change.”
“I know what you mean.” Moira mirrored her gesture, “although this possessive asshole routine can wear a bit thin.”