Page 66 of Draco's Defiance
“Don’t think about it.” Gently, he pressed his forehead against hers. “Everything will be okay, but we don’t have time to do this again now.”
“Okay.” She squeezed her eyes closed, breathing in his alluring scent. God, she was going to miss him when he left to fight the chimera. That sentence chimed in her head. The man she was falling for, who was half-dragon, was going to fight a guy who could shift into another mythological creature. None of this made sense.
“Let’s go.”
By the time she opened her eyes and had grabbed her phone, he was already tugging her toward the door. Pausing at the handle, he ushered her against his body.
“Stay close.”
She wouldn’t need to be told twice.
The door opened in slow motion, time protracting as Draco jerked her into the hall and along the dark corridor.
Oh, God, oh, God! Struggling to catch her breath, she glanced around nervously, praying that Draco knew where he was going. Of course, he does. She gulped at another loud thud, followed by what sounded like a male voice hollering from beyond the window. Who’s that?
“Go right here.” Draco’s voice was hardly even a whisper as he steered her along a second passage. If he was concerned about the strange noises, then he wasn’t letting it show. “Just ahead here.”
Dashing beside him, she eyed the space he meant. Moonlight spilling from a nearby window illuminated what looked like a small library.
“This is the panic room?” If so, it was aptly named, because the dread dancing through her body as he guided her toward the vast bookcase threatened to rise as vomit.
“Shhh.” Reaching for a book on the top shelf, Draco pulled it from the collection before sliding it back into place. There, right before her eyes, she watched as the bookcase detached from the wall and opened toward them.
“What the fuck?” Moira was speechless as he jerked her into the space opening up behind the bookcase. She stumbled forward, scarcely processing what was happening as he pulled the door closed behind them.
Glancing back, she realized she hadn’t even known the door had existed until that moment. So, this was the safe room.
“You’ll be safe here.” Draco was talking, although she could hardly process what was being said. “There’s heat, food, drinks, chairs and some beds behind there.” He gestured to the left.
“Moira!” Eden rose from a comfy chair, her animated tone stealing Moira’s attention. Running toward her, Eden threw her arms around the stunned woman.
“Hey!” Surprised by Eden’s show of affection, Moira smiled. She hardly knew the brunette, but at that moment she’d never been more thankful for Eden’s display of affection. Even Draco, with his arms of steel and carved, muscular reassurance hadn’t come close to affording her that sudden level of solace within the escalating doom. “Thanks.”
PEERING OVER EDEN’S shoulder, Moira saw Cherie wearily raise her hand. “Hi, Cherie.”
“Sit tight in here, ladies.” Draco’s hand snaked from Moira’s middle to her backside and patted her rump. “We’ll come back for you when it’s over.”
“Take care, Draco.”
Turning to him, Moira hoped he sensed the urgency in her tone, and that he knew all the things that she was even too afraid to think, let alone say—how frightened and unsure she was, how rattled the entire emotional rollercoaster of the day had left her. How she craved him, feared for him and wanted to understand him, and yet none of that mattered until this trauma with Monroe was over.
“I will.” The intensity of his stare drilled into her, igniting a flicker of hope that perhaps he did understand. They hadn’t known each other for long, but what they’d found in that time was unique and palpable. It was worth fighting for. “I need to go.”
“I know.” She watched as he walked away, the image of him replaced by the sliding wall as it glided back into position.
“It’s okay.” Eden wrapped her arm around Moira’s shoulder. “We know how you feel. I don’t think any of us can believe this is happening.”
“Is it okay, though?” Cherie’s brow furrowed as she huddled in the corner. “I mean, what if Monroe brought militia with him? What if he overpowers Balthazar and the others? What if he—”
“Hey.” Turning to face Cherie, Eden sucked in a breath. “I don’t think this kind of talk helps.”
“Eden’s right.” Moira wandered toward Cherie. “We have to stay upbeat.”
“I know, but how?” Tears glistened in Cherie’s eyes. “Anything could happen out there.”
“We have to be resourceful.” Eden shrugged, tightening the cord around the middle of her dressing gown. Moira noted that both of the other women were in their nightwear, suggesting they had been more prepared for the stay then she had. “We’re together and we’re safe. Let’s be thankful for that.”
“Are we safe in here?” Moira’s heart rate sped up. “I mean, if Draco can get in, then why can’t Monroe?”