Page 74 of Draco's Defiance
Nibbling her lower lip, Moira writhed on the bed before him. Draco had taken her right to the edge and pushed her over the limit more times than she could recall, but the most recent pleasure had been particularly breathtaking. Her body was alive with sensation, every cell of her being liberated as her mind cartwheeled with joy.
Dragon or not, no man had ever created even half the pleasure Draco did. Hell, she hadn’t even known it existed.
“Draco.” His name caught in her throat as she grappled to form the word.
“I know.” His expression was telling as he rose before her. Moira’s gaze scanned over the taut, muscular lines of his perfectly formed body, her hips rising in silent recognition of her need.
She wanted him. She always wanted him, but when he bestowed such incredible hedonism, her desire seemed to have a will of its own.
“I need you, sir.” Her voice was hoarse as their gazes locked. “Please.”
“You’re going to have me, little girl.” Unfastening his pants, he tugged them down to reveal his erect and eager shaft. Her recently satiated clit throbbed in response at the sight. “But today I want to try something different.”
“Oh.” Her heart picked up its pace.
What were the devils in his eyes trying to convey? Was he going to tie her in some fiendish, new way? She certainly hoped so, and she trusted him to do whatever he chose. Sex with Draco was often physical, frenzied and passionate, but it never disappointed. In the six months they’d been together, she’d never once been anything but worshiped and replete, both in and out of the bedroom.
“Want to know what?” He ran his tongue over his teeth as he climbed over her.
“Yes, sir.” She’d never realized how fucking hot those words could be until Draco had come into her life, but now she seemed to live for them.
“Is the right answer.”
Kneeling between her legs, his hand lowered to her ass and lifted her hips from the bed. She gasped as he positioned each of her ankles against his collar bones, her knees softening as he skimmed a finger along her calf and back to her thigh.
“Sir.” She giggled, trying to wiggle free at the ticklish sensation. “What are you doing?”
“You.” Lowering over her, his gaze was intense as he settled on his forearms, effectively pinning her to the bed. “Today I’m going to claim that ass as mine.”
“But?” Her brows knitted, her natural response to the prospect of anal sex resurfacing, despite all of the progress she’d made in months of therapy sessions with Eden.
“But what, little girl?” His tone was soft and goading, daring her to defy him, because the simple truth was, there were fewer and fewer reasons why he shouldn’t love her that way.
Disclosing what had happened with Alex to Eden had opened the floodgates in Moira’s life. Reliving the events of that night had been dreadful at first. There had been tears both in and out of therapy sessions. But the more she’d talked, the more of the hurt she’d started to release, and the more she released, the more she was determined to recover from the past and put the specter of the incident behind her.
That desire had spilled out of the sessions into her new life with Draco. For the first time, she’d been able to tell him a little of what had occurred, and more importantly, how it had affected her. The last couple of months had seen Draco become instrumental in her healing, the process more intimate than anything she’d known before.
“But...” her voice trailed away, as she failed to think of a single satisfactory explanation.
She was more than aroused enough to take his cock, especially as he’d been warming her up for his shaft in recent weeks, fingering her tightest hole whenever he bound and teased her, and there was no question of not wanting him. Yet still, her hesitation lingered, instructing her initial reserved response.
“What?” His cock nudged at her hip, as though it too demanded to know her mind. “We talked about this, didn’t we and I have plenty of lubricant if you don’t think you’re already wet enough?”
We did. She sent the answer in her mind, knowing he’d hear her. They’d spoken about it only the prior day, with Moira agreeing they should try, but it had been easy to be bold over coffee. Gazing into his determined gaze, she was considerably less sure. I’m just scared, sir. It’s a lot. Scanning his face, she wasn’t sure if she meant the enormity of what he suggested or the sheer size of his shaft. At that moment, both felt sizable.
“You’ll be all right.” His twitching lips suggested he’d heard that thought, as well. “You know I’ll go slow.”
“I know.” She swallowed, imagining how his cock would feel inside that last forbidden place. Her sex clenched at the prospect, her clit pulsing with fresh need. She did want him there. She just needed him to help her get over this one, final hurdle.
“I’ll take care of you, little girl.” His lips brushed over hers. “And if you want me to stop, then you use you safe-word.”
“Yes.” She smiled at the reminder. The word they’d agreed upon gave her the one thing Alex had never respected—Moira’s right to say no.
“Yes?” His blond eyebrow arched as he sought the critical clarification.
“Yes, sir.” She rolled her hips toward him. “I trust you, and I know you won’t do anything to abuse that.”
“Good girl.” Rising over her like a god, he eased her knees gently to her chest. “Just relax.”