Page 27 of Addiction
“Do you need a hand?” He couldn’t resist his wry tone as he watched her play with the cap protecting the blade. “You seem a little overcome.”
“I think I was, sir.” Her free hand rose to her face, her fingertips trailing over the places his semen had branded her skin before the shower had washed it away. “But I’ll be okay.” She looked more like herself as she collected the unused quantity of conditioner from her scalp and rubbed it under her arms.
“Okay.” He watched her for a moment, in awe of her long, slender limbs as she worked. “I’ll get you a towel for when you’re ready.” Stepping out of the heat, he reached for the nearest bath sheet and threw it around his shoulders before he selected one for his little girl. He leaned against the tile, watching her as she shaved first one, then her second leg.
“All done?” Christ, she was breathtaking to watch.
“I think so, sir.” She angled her calves under the water before returning the razor to the shelf.
“We’d best switch off the water then.” He motioned to the control on the wall next to where he’d fucked her. “We’ve probably used enough for the next six weeks.”
She smirked as she walked over to the panel and pressed the button to cease the flow. Tucker took her hand, helping her the short distance to where he stood before wrapping the cobalt towel around her.
“Wow.” The devils in her eyes looked satiated as he pulled her into an embrace.
“Wow, indeed.”
“That was…” Her words faded away as he tilted her chin, so their gazes locked.
“Even better than at the cabin,” he finished for her.
“Right.” She flattened the damp strands of her hair away from her face. “I’ve never met anyone like you before, sir.”
“I should hope not,” he admonished in a playful tone. “Men like me are bad news.”
“Tell that to my clitoris.” She flashed him a cheeky smile.
“Gladly.” He chuckled at how alluring her impertinence was. “But not until you’re properly punished for your latest transgression.”
“Punished?” Her blonde brow arched. “For what, sir? Didn’t you just literally reprimand me?”
“That pain was for pleasure.” He kissed the top of her head, hoping his cock wouldn’t dwell too deeply on how magnificent it had been to swat her to what was obviously an impressive climax. “This next one won’t be.”
“What?” Her brow creased, but he noted how there was no fight in her. She might not approve of the idea of another penance, but she no longer seemed to fear one. “Why?”
“I already told you, little girl.” He still couldn’t believe how beautiful she was. “For that comment you made about my beloved cabin.”
“What comment?” she demanded, although the guilty gleam in her eyes suggested that she already knew.
“Let me think…” He mused aloud. “As I recall, you called my cabin ‘crappy.’”
“Oh, that.” Her lips twisted into a smile. “Well, it is crappy, sir. That’s not my fault.”
“You are so bad.”
His hand reached for her tresses and fisted them gently. He had been genuinely spurned by the comment, and he was more than happy to deliver a lesson about respect. Tucker still believed his lodge in the forest merited admiration. He suspected a part of him would always love the place.
“I’m just saying that I prefer this apartment.” She grinned as her gaze darted about the large bathroom. “That’s all, sir.”
“Oh, I’m sure you do…” Lowering his mouth, he skimmed his lips over hers. “And don’t worry, Ella. You’re not going anywhere. Now, get yourself dry. You have an appointment with my right palm.”
The warm contentment that had started in her clit and spread around her body clouded her head as Tucker guided her from the bathroom. He’d found a huge, fluffy robe for her from a nearby closet, and snuggling into its soft confines, with her toes pressed into the deep fibers of the carpet, she chose not to dwell on his intentions.
He was going to spank her. She understood enough about the man who clasped her hand and led her through the hall into yet another gigantic room to know the threat wasn’t idle.