Page 3 of Addiction
Suddenly, she understood she longed for a man she could depend on. For someone who would hold, care for her, and listen.
Tucker’s that man!
“I was just thinking, sir.” She wrapped her arms around her body, recalling how natural their conversation had been in bed. She’d been comfortable talking to him, and she hadn’t expected that. Naturally, it helped that he was not only easy on the eye but also able to send her into a sexual spin with apparently little effort.
As rugged captors went, she’d really fallen on her feet with Tucker.
“Hmmm.” His tone was skeptical as he eyed her. “Well, it’s good to see you smile.”
“Thanks.” She pulled in another breath, trying to dismiss the numerous reasons that pointed to him as her ideal man. “Are you sure you don’t want to go without me, sir? If you need to get away, all I’ll do is slow you down.”
The smirk that lit his face was as sexy as hell. “Very considerate of you, little girl.” Leaving his pack, he rose and closed the distance between them. “But you’re still mine until your useless father brings me my money.”
Beneath the blue cover that had become something of a security blanket for Ella, her nipples beaded as his words echoed in her head. ‘You’re still mine.’
Oh God. Why on Earth are they so appealing?
“What did Alexander say, sir?” It was difficult to maintain a coherent line of thought while his gaze speared her with such illicit intent. “Is he saying he won’t pay you now?”
Once more, she couldn’t decide how she felt about the possibility. Did she want her father to pay up and secure her freedom, or did she—as she suspected—desire an alternative prospect where she actually got to remain with Tucker?
Preferably somewhere other than his bloody cabin…
Her throat dried at the idea. What was wrong with her? She couldn’t want to stay with the man who’d stolen her liberty. If she chose Tucker, what did that say about her?
“It doesn’t matter what he said.” Lowering to his haunches, Tucker reached for her blanket-covered knee. “But he did imply that armed men would be coming here to take you back.”
“What?” Her gaze shot to the window as if she expected to see an army at the door. “Armed men?” Her breaths increased at the terrifying idea. Being around Tucker was dangerous enough. The last thing she needed was even more testosterone, especially the sort that had weapons. That didn’t sound like a good pairing.
“Don’t worry.” His gigantic palm squeezed her leg. “We’ll be long gone before they arrive. I can’t protect you in a place like this.” He glanced around the cabin, his expression wistful.
“Protect me?” Ella was grappling to keep up. “I thought you wanted to get rid of me, sir. I thought I was a necessary liability to get your money back?” Her questions hung in the air between them.
“I did once.” He stared at her face as though he wanted to memorize every inch of her skin. She couldn’t recall seeing such reverence in anyone’s eyes before. “But the last day has changed that. You have to know that, Ella.”
Her skin goosed at his soft tone as he called her by her name. She’d gotten so used to Tucker calling her his ‘little girl,’ the sound of her name on his lips was stark.
“What’s changed?” She couldn’t think clearly as his blue gaze bored into her. Even without his ropes and menacing glowers, Tucker had a dizzying presence, and she seemed helplessly attracted to his power. “I mean, I’m still your prisoner, aren’t I?”
“My prisoner?” His tongue ran over his lips. “You make it sound sexy when you put it that way.”
“Tucker!” She almost giggled at the look of him. “You know what I mean. I haven’t exactly had much choice about any of this.”
She turned her head to survey the inside of the cabin for the thousandth time, each glance confirming what she already knew—she needed to get out of there—but for the first time, she didn’t necessarily want her escape to be without the man who’d forced her into the place.
Now, she was actually considering what it might be like to have a future with a man like him.
Not like him. She straightened at the truth. With him.
“I know.” An odd sadness reverberated in his voice. It matched his melancholy expression, although she couldn’t understand his despondency. “You’ve been through a lot, and I know that’s my responsibility.”
She had no idea what to say to that. Only a couple of days ago, she’d have been gleeful to have heard some damn accountability from the man who’d turned her life upside down, but now there was less satisfaction in his admission.
“Not only you,” she mumbled. “But Alexander, too. He’s the real reason I’m here. Not you.”
“But I’m the bastard who accepted you as part of the deal.” His gaze brightened. “Don’t forget that.”