Page 39 of Addiction
Tucker couldn’t wait to have her naked again and to see her kneel before him, and he knew that deep down, she’d be simmering with excited disquiet about what he had in store for her. He could only imagine her expression when he finally disclosed his judgment.
“Sir.” Her voice echoed around the blue hall as she walked out of the bathroom.
“Hmmm.” His fingers splayed on her nape, drawing her closer to his body. Somehow, he could never keep his hands to himself when she was around, and knowing she was nude beneath his robe did little to quell his growing enthusiasm.
“Are you going to hurt me?” Concern gleamed in her green orbs, but there was acceptance in her voice. She’d assent to whatever he decided, but oh, how she wished she knew what that decision was.
“No.” He pressed a soft kiss on the tip of her nose. “No more spanking today unless you truly deserve it.” He wasn’t sure how much more her delicate behind could take.
“O-kay, sir.” Her breath hitched, as if his answer was disconcerting.
“Don’t worry,” he soothed, determined to offer her at least one tiny piece of solace. “The task I have in mind isn’t painful.”
“It isn’t?” Now, she was genuinely baffled.
“No.” Taking her hand, he led her back into the lounge and across the carpet to the sofa where he’d colored her backside. “It’s time I rested. It was a long drive, and I haven’t had the privilege of any sleep.”
“Yes.” She shifted from one foot to the other as he settled on the giant couch and stretched out his long legs. “I realize that, sir.”
“So…” He ensured their eyes met before he went on. “I think it’s time I relaxed while you did the work for a change.”
She nodded, catching her lip between her white teeth. “What can I do, sir?”
“You can provide me with a footrest.” He couldn’t suppress his smile as he finally revealed his intentions for the beautiful blonde, although based on her bewildered expression, she didn’t yet comprehend his meaning.
She glanced around the room, her brow furrowing as she took in the sleek and sophisticated monochrome furniture. “I don’t see one, sir.”
“That’s because you’re not sitting where I am.” His balls tightened as her gaze landed on him. “From here, I can see the most wonderful footrest.”
“Sir?” Her gulp suggested she might just have started to understand.
“Take off your robe.” His voice fell an octave as he prepared to give the crucial command. “I want you on all fours at my feet.”
Her breaths came faster as she loosened the fluffy robe and permitted it to pool at her feet. Slowly, his hungry eyes scanned the length of her wonderful body as he drank in all of her glorious curves.
“Fuck, little girl.” He still couldn’t get over how delightful she was. “You are so gorgeous.”
“Thank you, sir.”
She shuffled forward, falling gracefully to her knees with a smile and waiting by his left knee. He ran his hand through her tresses before allowing his fingers to trail over her right breast.
“You’re lovely, but I said on all fours.” He pointed to the rug beyond his feet. “Now, please.”
A glint of hesitation flashed in her eyes, but she moved before he needed to prompt her, shifting into position before his shins.
“Legs wider.” The order was a sensual growl, and his cock thickened as she obediently splayed her knees. Her ass was a fabulous red hue as it wiggled at his left side.
“Good.” He wondered if she could detect the rising glee in his voice, but if she did, she didn’t lift her head or move a muscle. “Now, do you understand where my footrest is?”
“Am I the footrest, sir?” Her head fell as she realized the full extent of his demand.
“Mmmm,” he agreed. “Yes. You’re the most fantastic footrest I’ve ever seen.” Lifting one foot, he didn’t waste any more time and settled his bare heel on the middle of her back.
“Oh God!” Her gasp sounded pained, her breath accelerating as he rested his other foot beside the first.
“There.” He glanced down at her face, pleased to see the crimson blush that had engulfed her cheeks. “The ideal footrest.”
“I c-can’t believe this.” She didn’t move as she acclimated to the weight of his feet. He wasn’t exerting much pressure, but he assumed it was the first time little Ella had ever become furniture before.