Page 47 of Addiction
His lips curled. She was sticking to the plan he’d talked her through. Ella’s job was to speak with her mother, reassure her that Ella was well, then get her mum to concur with the meeting at the swanky establishment known as Osbourne’s. He’d ensure they had a private table where they wouldn’t be bothered.
“Like to meet?” Her mother sounded frustrated. “I want you home, Ella. Julia and I miss you. We’ve been worried sick!”
His brow creased at her mother’s display of emotion. He knew that he, along with Bennett, was responsible for the grief in her voice. Susie had suffered because of his selfishness. Sure, she wasn’t the first woman he’d hurt over the years, but after meeting her daughter, Tucker was resolved to do better. The next twenty years couldn’t be as ruthless as the last, especially now that he had Ella.
“I know.”
He recognized the stress in Ella’s voice, having provoked it on more than one occasion himself.
“But for now,” Ella’s voice trembled. “This is the best I’ve got.”
“Is he holding you hostage?” Susie’s voice was a low hiss as she correctly identified the type of man her daughter had ended up with. Easing the heavy pack to the floor, Tucker let the accusation sink in.
He had held her hostage. She’d been little more than his prisoner for many days, but since they’d arrived in the city, the dynamic between them had changed. Now, he liked to think she was staying with him out of choice rather than coercion, although he admitted he hadn’t exactly allowed her to decide for herself.
“It’s not as straightforward as that.” Ella’s reply was clipped, and he considered stealing a glance at the woman who’d rocked his world.
What was that sound in her voice? Was she depressed at the idea of being with him, alarmed maybe, or even excited? He couldn’t tell.
“At first, he held me against my will in the woods,”—she paused—“but now that we’re in the city, things are better.”
He smiled at that.
“Better?” Her mother didn’t sound convinced. “Is he hurting you, Ella? Is he making you do things?”
“Mum.” Ella sounded suddenly tired, and a pang of something close to guilt reverberated in his chest.
She was exhausted, and he still hadn’t fed her properly. It was time he went in there, broke up the mother and daughter chat, and faced the music. Ella had enjoyed a long enough conversation in alleged private.
“Will you meet me so I can explain?”
Picking up the bag, he walked back into the lounge. He waited in the doorway as Ella’s mum responded.
“Of course, darling.” The emotion in Susie’s voice was obvious. “Just name the time and place.”
Ella turned as he placed the backpack down, offering him a weary smile as she rattled off the details they’d discussed. He listened as the women ran through the logistics twice more, Ella apparently anxious to ensure her mother remembered them.
“I have to go, Mum.” Her free hand clutched the collar of his robe as she peered back at the cityscape. “But I promise I’ll see you at Osbourne’s.”
He’d made her the same promise before he’d found the phone for her to use.
“It’s so good to hear from you, darling.” Susie sighed. “But are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yes,” Ella insisted. “Really, I am. Don’t worry.” Her lips twitched as though she realized what a ridiculous request that was to make of her mother.
Tucker accepted that if there was anyone on the planet who idolized her more than he did, it was probably her mum.
“I’m looking forward to seeing you soon, though. Take care, and please give my love to Julia.”
“I will, darling.” Susie sounded close to tears. “I love you. Please take care until I see you.”
“I will, Mum.” Ella’s eyes fluttered closed. “I love you, too.”
She ended the call as if she couldn’t bear to listen to any more of her mother’s sentiments, but the way she clutched the device to her body told him how much her mother’s emotions had affected her.
“Were you listening to what we said, sir?” Her watery gaze rose to meet his.
“A little,” he confessed as he dropped the backpack onto one of the sofas and closed the distance between them. “Are you okay?”