Page 5 of Addiction
Trust Bennett to try to screw me over.
He kissed the top of Ella’s head as a wave of irritation washed over him. He supposed, with hindsight, Bennett’s intervention was not so surprising. The man was a spineless worm who’d suggested his own flesh and blood as collateral. Given Bennett’s spinelessness, his recent change of plan shouldn’t have been shocking, but his intervention was still annoying as hell.
“That’s right.” One of his hands rose to cradle the back of her head. “I’ll take care of you. Just do as you’re told, and we’ll be fine.”
The woman in his arms was nothing like the wildcat he’d had to tame on their first night together. Her large, frightened eyes were soulful, as though Tucker—the man who’d held her hostage—could somehow be her savior.
His lips twitched at the preposterous idea. Tucker was a self-centered thug who’d been happy to use violence to get what he wanted in life. He was far from being anyone’s liberator.
“Let’s get ready to leave.” He stroked her hair, still astounded by how silky the strands were.
She was only supposed to have been property he kept as an indemnity, yet in the last few hours, it was like the essence of Ella had seeped into his blood. After Bennett’s threats to take her back, there had never been any doubt in his mind about how things would play out.
He had to leave his beloved cabin, and he was taking Ella with him. Her proposal to be left behind was unthinkable. Whatever chemistry they’d ignited remained unfinished, and while he was genuinely bereft to leave the place he’d come to call home, Tucker had more than enough properties they could use as refuge.
“Don’t you think I ought to have some clothes then, sir?”
She motioned down to his mother’s blanket, reminding him that it was the only fabric he’d offered her since she’d arrived. Only the fire and his body had kept her warm otherwise.
“Good idea.” He smiled, though deep down, it pained him to clothe her.
Ella was so beautiful. He’d have liked to have kept her naked, but he had to be reasonable. They had many hours of travel through the forest to endure before he could get her somewhere safe and comfortable. She’d need to be dressed to survive them.
Reflexively, his gaze slid to the place he’d folded and kept her clothes after her last escape attempt. Somehow, it felt like months had passed since she’d last worn them, yet rationally, he knew it wasn’t true. Time was apparently playing games with his head. After so many years alone, he’d forgotten how powerful it could be.
Planting another kiss on her forehead, he turned and walked to the counter. He crouched and dragged her original outfit from its hiding place before rising and waving the garments in front of her.
“Here.” He threw the pile of clothes onto the bed. “Put these on while I finish packing.
“Yes, sir.” Her voice had a sardonic quality to it as he strode back to his bag, but when he glanced up, he was pleased to see her smile again.
Ella had seemed genuinely panicked at the thought of her father coming for her, as if she might be in real danger. As he shoved the plastic bottle of water into the pack, he hoped she realized he’d do everything in his power to ensure that wasn’t the case. He would never let Bennett, or anyone else, hurt her.
“I thought you told me you didn’t have any bottled water, sir.” Her tone was teasing, but he couldn’t miss the accusation laced within it.
“I didn’t, little girl.” Glancing up from his packing, his breath caught at the sight of her. Dressed only in her tiny panties and bra, she was utterly breathtaking. “I save my bottles for hikes through the forest. That’s why I just went out to fill it with water, remember?” He gestured to the door, though his gaze still burned into her.
“Right.” She pulled her pants past her thighs, her brow furrowing. “I must have missed that.”
“Yeah.” He grinned as he closed the pack. “You did seem a little out of it after your father’s call.”
“Sounds about right.” She snorted. “He does have a tendency to mess things up.”
He watched as she tugged her top over her head, her beautiful body now finally covered. “You should take the blanket with you.” He had no intention of leaving the last remnant of his mother behind, and anyway, he liked the way it looked around her. Ella had come with no suitable outdoor clothing, and the blanket was all the protection she had.
Apart from me.
“Thanks.” She picked up the layer and held it to her chest. “I just need my boots, sir.”
“They’re under the counter.” He signaled in its direction before he drew the pack closed. “Help yourself.”
By the time the huge rucksack was secured, she had pulled the boots on and laced them tightly.
“Are you ready?” Standing in the center of the space, he realized the question was directed more to him than her. No doubt she was ready. Ella had been ready to leave the cabin from the get-go.
“I wish my father had left me with socks, but I’m ready.” She glanced out of the window at the gray light spilling in from the forest.