Page 51 of Addiction
Wait, he was asking permission? When had that ever happened before?
“I’d like that, sir.”
The light brush of his lips over hers evaporated the questions from her head, and as he tugged her onto his lap, she was lost to the growing instinctive tug between them. His arm snaked to her middle, steadying her as the aroma of his whiskey infused with her giddiness.
The sentiment echoed in her mind as his free hand rose to the back of her head and guided her back for the caress. Her eyes fluttered closed as their mouths collided, the impulse to fight that had kept her alive in the woods waning as his tongue delved past her lips.
There was a blissful serenity to the protracted moment. As commanding as his kiss was, there was repose as well, the intimacy inspiring a sense of belonging and certainty Ella had rarely known before.
Tucker was flawed, and he’d revealed those imperfections to her repeatedly, but his admissions of guilt had somehow helped her to accept the woman she was. He’d helped her to not only see who she was but who she might want to become.
He made her want to be a better woman.
“Ella.” His breath was warm on her skin as he withdrew, his gaze soft when she opened her eyes. “I want to take you to bed.”
“Yes, sir.” The muscles between her thighs tightened at his demanding tone. She was exhausted yet couldn’t deny the ball of desire his instruction elicited.
“Not like that.” His laughter danced over her. “I mean, I’d love to, but we’re both shattered.”
“Oh,” she gasped, unable to decide how she felt about the denial. Why was he rejecting her when his lips spoke of his yearning? His hand relaxed in her hair, permitting her to move, but she couldn’t entertain the thought of going. Straddling his body, she contemplated the ultimate defiance of riding him right there in the lounge, but somehow, she couldn’t bear the idea of disappointing him.
“I just mean, take you to bed and hold you while we sleep.” His hand slipped to the side of her face, his thumb stroking her skin. “We both need it, little girl.”
For once, she couldn’t argue.
“I’d like that.” She turned to kiss the tip of his thumb, aware of the dark deeds the digit had been involved in, yet still longing to offer her devotion. “And maybe we can fuck again when we wake up, sir?”
“Oh, yes.” His chuckle was deeper that time. “I’m sure we can manage that.”
Grasping her hand, he led her along the corridor, noticing how she still clutched his mother’s blanket to her chest. He didn’t know what the time was and opening the door to the master bedroom, he realized he didn’t care. Time was a useless indicator of his new life with Ella. The only things that mattered in this new world were the two of them, that they had what they needed, and that the delicately balanced dynamic between them was safely sustained.
Everything else—including the wonderful cabin he’d built that had once warmed his heart and all those financial assets that had seemed so important—was secondary to the bubble of contentment they’d created together.
“How’s the temperature for you, little girl?” His attention turned to the control panel at the entrance of the room that regulated the warmth and humidity inside it.
“Good, thanks.” Her eyes widened as she took in the pale blue décor. “Is this your bedroom, sir?”
“It’s ours,” he clarified, closing the door behind him. “While we’re here.”
“Thank you.” She threw the blue blanket onto the bed covers and spun to face him. “But it’s still yours. Everything I have is somewhere else.”
“If there’s something you need, then tell me what it is.” His demand was whispered as his fingers once again weaved their way into her long, silky locks. “I’ll get it for you.”
“It’s not that.” Something about her smile was sad. “But thank you.”
“What then?” He despised the flicker of desperation that resonated at her refusal.
Tucker was a simple man at heart, with unpretentious needs and straightforward solutions. If there was something she missed and he had the means, then he’d have it brought to her. It hadn’t been his plan to leave the forest, but now that they had, things were easier. Ella could have almost anything she wanted.
“Sir, it’s nothing.” Her hand rose to his face, tentatively tracing a line over the stubble on his chin. “I just mean it’s not my home.”
“Oh, right.”