Page 10 of Our Elliana
That’s not off-putting, though. Not to me. Everything about her is delectable. Tasty and ripe for squeezing. Before she says anything, I’ve divested myself of my slip-on boots, open button-down denim shirt, and jeans. I’m going commando, as I’m often wont to do, and I’ve already been stroking my dick for her as a tease.
She sizes me up and regards me as if unmoved. At least until she issues her next order.
“On your knees, loverboy.” She parks that scrumptious ass of hers on the side of the bed and points at the carpeted floor in front of her. I acquiesce in a hurry. No sense in riling her up on what is in essence a test drive. This is about proving myself to her, and I’m someone more than up to the task. She spreads her legs like I do on a hot summer’s day, which since this is August actually makes some sense. “Clean me up, please.”
I cotton on pretty damn fast and spin in place, looking for some sort of accoutrements to do the chore.
Many men might blanche at such a request, but this sort of stuff doesn’t bother me. I’ve sewn my wild oats, and I won’t cringe away from any gorgeous body when exposed to me, regardless of if it’s just had sex or not. Nothing except for that crotchless scrap of fabric between her legs is available, so I tug down the itty-bitty panties and use them to wipe up her core.
This isn’t to say that tidying up after another man is my preferred method of starting a good fuck. I’d much prefer to be number one in the order of operations. But the long and short of it is this is a job I want, and to win it, I have to be amenable to whatever responsibilities she decides to assign me.
And just a little side note. Even this task, menial as it might’ve been intended to be, has my cock as stiff as a wooden drumstick.
Once finished, I bestow on her my naughtiest smirk.
“How’s that, sweet thing?” I ask her, and she raises a flawlessly shaped eyebrow as she gives me a thorough once-over, no doubt recognizing my none-too-subtle erection.
Oh, yeah. She wants me.
Also, I’m fortunate that Elliana is a peanut of a lady. My five-foot-nine might not be as imposing as the chef’s six-foot height or the blond kid’s six and a half, but it suits her shorter stature better, in my opinion. And with me perched in front of her like this, I line right up with those big, beautiful breasts.
Have I mentioned that part of the female physique is my favorite? Because it is. No matter what someone wants to call them. Boobs. Jugs. Hooters. Ta-tas. A rose by any other name, as the saying goes. Yet as fan-fucking-tastic as they look secured in that corset thing, I can’t wait to experience them loose and free. Bouncy.
Release the titties, I say.
Still, I’m nothing if not inventive, so I don’t let them being encumbered stop me. Instead, I loop my arms around her back and suckle her left nipple right through the silky push-up bra, delighting in her gasp of surprise.
I might not have been born under a lucky star where my immediate fam is concerned, but I have my share of gifted and talented traits. And one of them is the art of physical love. Mouth, tongue, fingers, thumbs, and cock, each of them dexterous and each have plenty of finesse. In fact, if they gave out degrees based on sexual techniques and expertise, I’d hold a Ph.D.
Trust me.
Her arms don’t reciprocate like I would’ve liked, so I cradle the back of her head in my hands, laying her back. She lets me without protest, so I rain sweet pecks down her shoulder to her arm, then across her soft belly.
Christ, she’s all curves, and I can’t get enough. Hearing her get off with another man a few minutes ago felt like torture. At least I’m here now.
She brings her right leg up beside me with an agility that’s impressive, placing her foot on my shoulder. Around her ankle is a glimmering silver bracelet made of miniscule butterflies situated about a half-inch apart, and I kiss it. Then, I leer down at her pussy and catch sight of... Is that a pearl in her pearl of precious flesh?
I love it, even with it being so on the nose that I could’ve just declared a correct answer at charades.
Dragging her toward me so her thigh sits higher, I press my lips to her hairless mound.
“This is nice,” I indicate her intimate piercings.
“My own creation. Now, I’d like you to bring your mouth down there and make me come.”
I broaden my smirk into a smile of genuine glee.
“My pleasure.”