Page 11 of My Merciless Don
I folded my arms, curiously furious on her behalf but also wondering who this guy was to her that she’d risk her life for. “And who is Benjy?”
“My brother. James’ real son? He’s ruthless like that.”
“And you think I’m not?”
“No, I know you are. But I can help you get more money. Try me. Go on, set me loose and see-”
I burst out laughing. “Good one. Set you loose? Lady, what are you smoking?”
She pouted. “I just meant loose from this cold ass cell. Obviously, you’re gonna keep a very close eye on me.” She winked and I blinked in surprise. The way she could go from serious to flirty in zero to hundred was something to see.
I wasn’t a fan personally. I liked my prisoners predictable.
I looked around the cell as if seeing it for the first time. “I mean… I see why you would want out of here.”
“Thank you!” she exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air.
I lifted a finger to stall her premature celebrations. “And while I sympathize–”
“Aww, come on man! I’m freezing.” She moaned.
“–I’ll have a mattress brought in, pillows, a blanket, even a change of clothes. But if you want out of here, you need to give me a reason.”
“What kind of reason?”
I rubbed my thumb and index finger together in the universal sign for money.
“Fine. But I’ll need a computer and some info only my assistant can get me.”
I shrugged, “I didn’t say you had to live here. Come on, follow me.”
I turned and walked out and after a moment, she stood up and followed. I took her to my ICT lab and delivered her to my head lab geek, George. “This is Audry.” I said, “She’s going to help us with the Triad job.”
I saw her frown in puzzlement and smiled. “Here’s your chance, Audry. Show me what you can do.”
She gave me an incredulous look, “What do you mean?”
I took a breath, “The Triad have been blocking us from accessing trade routes in Asia that would make our lives a lot easier. If you can find a way around it, we can talk about you making me money.”
She cocked an eyebrow. “You’ve been looking for ways to access these routes?”
“Of course.”
“And you haven’t found any?”
“But you expect me to?”
I shrugged, “You’re the one who claimed to be some sort of wonder woman.” I waved to the bank of computers, “Show me what you can do.”
She gave a long sigh. “Fine,” was her answer before twirling and sashaying over to a chair. I had to admire her chutzpah. She was really something else.