Page 3 of My Merciless Don
There were various nods of acknowledgment up and down the table. I waited for him to continue, appreciating that he usually did not waste time before getting to the point.
“Today we are here to discuss the incursion of the Russians into our territories. They're a little too entitled for our comfort.”
“Not to mention acting up and attracting too much attention.” I added.
Nicolò nodded in my direction. “Yes, thank you Marco. I know your business has been particularly affected by their activities on the docks.”
“Yeah, the authorities don't look too kindly on human trafficking.”
“That's why we're all here today. To discuss solutions.”
I sighed inwardly. I was not a fan of the endless talking we'd been doing all these months while the Russians continued to disrespect us. If I couldn't convince the other families to ride with me, my options would be very limited. I'd either have to go rogue, or else accept the inevitable.
Both those options sucked.
Try as I might, I could not get that woman out of my head.
Even as Nicolò droned on about the importance of maintaining a low profile so as not to attract the wrong kind of attention, I was busy wondering who she was.
Note to self: find out if Amy had any long-lost relatives.
It somehow felt like I was being haunted. Just when I was gearing up for a meeting to discuss Aleksandr Yegorov, I was visited by the ghost of the woman I had loved and that he had killed. The Italians had strict rules about keeping family out of business matters, but the Russians had never gotten that memo. They came to my pre-wedding dinner and opened fire, killing my father and my fiancée.
All just to send a message about trade routes.
What did they think would happen? Did they think I’d just roll over and hand them those routes? It had been ten years, and we were still grappling, albeit surreptitiously. I knew Aleksandr would like to kill me just as much as I would give anything in the world to kill him. But the cowardly clans would not sanction it for fear of setting off a war. Instead, they held talks with the Russians, who conceded that we could keep the disputed trade routes.
Ironically, those routes were already ours, for fuck’s sake. They were the interlopers.
“Don Nicolò, I know we have to think strategically but we need an actual plan for dealing with the Russians once and for all.”
“All in good time, Cassio.” Nicolò said, much to my unending frustration.
The meeting ended without any real resolution, simply more platitudes and action plans I wasn’t sure would ever materialize.
I walked to the car, where Valerio was waiting. He opened the door for me, and I slid into the back, digging into my pocket to pull out my phone. I switched it on, bracing myself for whatever messages were waiting. The meeting had gone on for three hours, so I knew I’d have a bunch.
I wasn’t prepared for just how many though.
My accountant alone had sent thirty messages. I clicked on them with trepidation.
I don’t think selling Accords shares will go down well with the Lamberts. I would also have appreciated it if you had let me know of your intentions.
I frowned, wondering what he was on about. I was about to call him when I read the next message.
Colbert’s too? That deal was part of our overall agreement. Did something happen? I need instruction, Marco.
My heart sank. What the fuck was going on? I called Jade right away.
“Mr. Cassio, finally. What is happening?” she asked sounding frazzled.
“You tell me. I haven’t sold anything. I’ve been in a meeting for the last three hours.”
“What do you mean by that? All the correct authorizations were given for the transfer.”